alternatives to fortress politics & corporate globalisation

The reality of life in detention is becoming more known and opposed 
every day. But what happens when we scratch beneath the surface of the 
current debate. This forum asks what are alternatives to detention? What 
makes people become refugees? What is behind "fortress politics" in 
countries like Australia?

an open forum, speakers include:

RACHAEL EVANS: a long term refugee rights activist & member of the 
Democratic Socialist Party Rachael will examine the alternatives to 
detention. She will contrast Australia's current policies with a range 
of approaches from overseas and Australia's own recent history

JORGE JORQUERA: Jorge's family were political refugees from Chile. He's 
been a solidarity activist with Latin America, member of the DSP and has 
been a key organiser of several anti-corporate protests. Jorge will 
examine the nature of the third world today and the "creation" or 
refugees. He will also give a brief overview of important struggles & 
hot spots in the third world and how they impact on our campaigns here.

@ the resistance centre, 407 swanston st, level 5
opposite rmit (in druids house)
phone 9639 8622 for more information
proudly presented by GREEN LEFT WEEKLY




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