I am writing to seek your support for what may possibly result in an
occupation at VUT St Albans on Monday 29th April. Such action will be a
result of the student union offices being demolished and relocated 
without adequate or ongoing consultation with all students. Queers, 
muslims, and disabled students are among those who were most excluded 
from the 'consultation' process.

As discussed last Saturday (13Apr02), please find attached the Staff 
Plan for Bldg 4 at StAlbans;  the Student Precinct Plan and the document 
the Uni is using as 'approval' for it's progress on this matter. You 
will note that the agreement was mainly regarding a Cafe in Bldg9 rather 
than that now in Bldg 4.

At no time until March this year were any of the elected student
representatives made aware of or were privy to the specifics of the 
Staff Plan in its entirety, attached.  This plan was approved by the 
Tender Board and contracted out within the past month.  Works are due to 
commence within the next fortnight!

After attendance at the March VUSU Exec Mtg, the VTSAN President, fired 
off the following email which resulted in the VUSU President being 
carpeted by the VU delegated authority, Michael HAMERSTON. The staff 
plan has made no provision for the  replacement of the general student 
lounge or queer space. Nor does it provide for the  International 
Student Association or the muslim prayer room.

Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 03:18:42 +1000
Subject: Student's democratic rights trampled at VUT St Albans!
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  . . . . .
Victoria University of Technology
Deputy Vice Chancellor of TAFE
Michael Halmerstone

CC: Equal Opportunity Commission
Minister for Education Lynne Kosky
Australian Education Union
National Tertiary Education Union
National Union of Students Queer Officers
Media representatives

Dear Michael,
I am writing with great concern at the proposed redevelopment of 
Building 4 on St Albans campus. I understand the student union offices 
are being converted into a restaurant, with the student union offices to 
be relocated to the student lounge. I understand the new plan has no 
queer space and is being implemented without any consultation with 
students, and against the wishes of the elected representatives of the 
student union. I think it only fair to let you know I am raising this 
matter with relevant trade unions, government departments and the equal 
opportunity commission because queer students have a right to a space to 
meet and organise, as do all students. To take this away from them is 
blatantly discriminatory and to redesign the student lounge without 
consulting students is to blatantly ignore their rights and needs.

Furthermore, I understand students have presented an alternative plan to
create a central hub of activity on the campus, creating some culture on
what is often referred to as a 'dead' campus by St Albans students. I 
look forward to messages from the student union to say that you have put 
the new plans on hold and are sitting down with the students to discuss 
a solution that will uphold their rights and cater for their needs.

Yours sincerely,
Caspar Cumming
Victorian Tafe Students and Apprentices Network
Ph: {W} {03} 96397699 {H}
Fax: {03} 96396448
Mobile: 0438570115

At the last Victoria University Student Union executive meeting held on
Thursday 18th April the executive passed a motion to reject the 
Institute's planned redesign of student space and continue campaigning 
for students to be consulted and have their plan implemented. The motion 
stated VUSU would seek outside support from VTSAN, NUS and other 
relevant organisations. The University is planning to start building 
work on Tuesday the 30th of April and students are planning to gather at 
St Albans on Monday to stop this building work going ahead. Your support 
is requested.

A meeting to plan the action will take place at 12 midday on Friday 26th
April in the St Albans student lounge in Building 4 {the biggest of the 
six student spaces under threat}.


Caspar Cumming TAFE students Network President: 0438570115



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