Candle Light Walk ! - Treaty, Bill Of Rights & NO SA NUCLEAR DUMP - Friday 
3 May 2002 - 7PM - Around Government House, Adelaide


Just a reminder that the 26th Candle Light Walk for Justice and Peace is on 
Friady 3 May  in Adelaide  - starting at the (winter) times: gather 
at  6.30pm for a 7.OO pm start.

YYYYEEESSSS !!!  It will be the twenty sixth monthly walk !

Candle Light Walks are held monthly in Adelaide at Genocide Corner in front 
of Government House.   These walks express the concern of those who wish 
justice for Indigenous peoples.

The gives the chance to listen to Ngarrindjeri, Kaurna and other Indigenous 
Elders speak on issues affecting their people. The microphone remains open 
for anyone to offer their thoughts on current issues, to sing a song, or to 
share stories of struggle.

Please feel free to attend, and show support for a Treaty with Indigenous 
people, a Bill of Rights, justice and peace, as well as opposition to any 
nuclear dump in South Australia.

Another Candle Light Walk has begun in Perth every month, and soon Candle 
Light Walks in other States may follow. Don't worry if it will just be a 
small group of you to start with.... as Vincent Lingiari said: "from little 
things big things grow" !

. Respect Indigenous people's traditional land and waters. Light a candle 
and walk for justice and peace.  Join the Indigenous call for a TREATY.

. Respect Indigenous rights. Recognise Ngarrindjeri culture and spiritual 
beliefs.  Look after the Coorong and its wildlife. Protect this unique 
Australian wetland.

. Look after Lake Eyre. Conserve this unique Arabunna environment.  Protect 
its cattle and tourist industries. NO SOUTH AUSTRALIAN NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP

Ngarrindjeri Land and Progress Association Camp Coorong
P.O. Box 126
Meningie, S.A
Ph   08 8575 1557
Fax 08  8575 1448
DONATIONS:  Ngarrindjeri Justice Fighting Fund

c/: BANK SA - BSB 105-165 A/c No. 015569840


Feel free to use the item below as a template for your publicity for the 
Justice & Peace Candle Light Walk in support of a Treaty & Bill of Rights.

JUSTICE & PEACE CANDLIGHT WALK: "Australians can show their support for a 
treaty with Australia's Indigenous peoples. Candles will be lit for justice 
and peace advocating an Indigenous treaty on Friday 3 May, and every 
following first Friday of the month throughout 2002. Walkers can gather 
with candles at Government House  from 6.30.PM  for a 7PM start. The walk 
aims to protect Ngarrindjeri culture, spiritual beliefs, lands and waters, 
and to stop any nuclear waste dump on traditional lands, and from affecting 
the environment via a Treaty & Bill of Rights."

P.S.  If anyone in other States (or the TERRITORIES) is interested - please 
give the Ngarrindjeri Land and Progress Association (NLPA) an 
email/phonecall.    We hope that there will soon be monthly walks all over 
Australia EVERY first Friday...


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