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Dear Colleague

Re: PADV Improving Women's Safety Project

In May 2002, the Improving Women=B9s Safety project, funded through the
Partnerships Against Domestic Violence II, commenced.  The project will run
for a 12 month period (until May 2003) and is designed to develop strategies
that can be used in each state and territory to enable victims of domestic
violence (and their children) to remain safely in their home through the
departure (voluntary) or removal (mandatory) of the perpetrator. This may
involve a range of possible strategies such as providing alternative
accommodation for perpetrators, legislative interventions that require
perpetrators to live elsewhere or support services to improve the likelihood
that perpetrators will remain away from the family home for an extended

A comprehensive website has been set up to provide interested people with
information about the project including its aims, objectives, methodology,
project team, timelines, progress to date and, importantly to provide people
with the opportunity to have their say on this issue.   People can also
register to attend one of the four forums we are holding in each state
(women=B9s issues, perpetrators issues, issues in diverse communities and
legal issues).

The website address is:

Because of the importance of this project (it has the potential to enable
victims of domestic violence to choose to stay in their homes rather than be
forced to leave), we are seeking your assistance and input.

If you, or any of your staff are able to assist us in either of the
following areas, we would be most appreciative:

1. Are you aware of any services, programs, projects or legislation that
work to support/remove perpetrators thus enabling victims to remain in their
homes safely?

1. Are you aware of any documents (eg articles, reports, brochures,
summaries) that may contribute to our understanding of what strategies could
be utilised to enable victims to stay in their homes safely?

Any comments, feedback or information can be sent to us in any of the
following ways:

Post:     PO Box 1038 Kent Town SA 5071

Fax:      08 8363 9011


Thank you very much for your assistance with this project.

Kind regards

Melinda Mayne
Senior Consultant
Health Outcomes International
PO Box 1038 Kent Town SA 5071

Ph:   08 8363 3699
Fax: 08 8363 9011
Mb:  0413 097 313


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