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Melbourne Indymedia Fundraiser

Film Screening - The Land, The Street, The Square

A video produced by Argentina and Italy Indymedia's, The Land, The
Street, The Square, tells the tale of the uprisings and ongoing
resistance in Argentina to the International Monetary Fund,
neo-liberalism and political corruption.

Beginning with an overview of capitalist globalisation, the video
covers the wide range of movements in struggle, from the highway
blockades of the piqueteros to the direct democracy of the popular

A Melbourne Indymedia fundraiser, come along and lend your support.

We will also screen Voces Argentinas (Argentine Voices) by Concious Cinema.

Where: 5 Pitt st Brunswick
When: Feb 6, 8pm.
Directions: take trams 1 or 22 from swanston st. Get off at the
corner of Lygon and Glenlyon. Walk one block north.


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