January 23, 2003

Anti-war  sentiment rises as Howard sends troops off to war

Anti-war protesters  confronted Prime Minister John Howard as he 
farewelled HMAS Kanimbla from Sydney  today, bound for the Gulf, 
carrying an unknown number of Australian troops into  a potential war 
with Iraq.

"We absolutely  condemn the dispatch of Australian military forces to 
the Gulf in the face of  massive public opposition, and without any
parliamentary debate," said  former Senator Bruce Childs, a spokesperson
for Sydney's Walk Against The War  Coalition.

Anti-war sentiment in Australia is rising along with the rest of the
world. The recent ACNielson poll published in the Sydney Morning Herald
showed  that just 6% of  Australians supported Australian involvement in 
a war on  Iraq without UN endorsement, and 62% believed that Australia 
should only be  involved in a war backed by the UN. 30% opposed any 
Australian involvement.

Figures in the UK and US also show the rise of anti-war  sentiment, as 
do the huge rallies around the world on January 18. The New York  Times
editorial on January 20 described the Washington protest - (estimates 
vary from 200,000 to 500,000) - as the largest since the Vietnam  era.

Europe-wide and US-wide protests will take place on February 15. In
Australia, peace activists are planning mass rallies on the weekend of
February  15-16. In Sydney, the Walk Against the War Coalition has 
called a rally for  Sunday, February 16 starting at 12 noon at Hyde Park 

Keynote  speakers will include John Pilger, renowned author and 
filmmaker, and Senator  Bob Brown from the Australian Greens. Leaders of 
the ALP and the Democrats as  well as community leaders representing a 
wide cross section of opposition to the  war have been invited to 
address the protest.

The Coalition believes that  the weekend of global action will send a
strong signal to governments not to  attack Iraq. According to Bruce Childs:

"The main message we want to get across to the Howard  government is 
that a majority of people do not believe a war on Iraq is  justified. It 
would cause untold suffering, as numerous UN reports have shown,  and it 
would ignite something far more dangerous.   "It is being sold as a 'war 
against terrorism'.  But the evidence is  that the oil interests that 
dominate the Bush Administration want regime change  in Iraq to 
rearrange the oil power balance in their corporate and national 
interests," said Bruce Childs.

The Walk Against the War Coalition  organised the successful 
25,000-strong rally last November in Sydney. It  represents some 58 
peace, community, trade union, medical, church and  solidarity groups.

For more information, contact:
Bruce Childs 9386 1240,
Nick Everett 0409 762 081
Hannah Middleton 0418 668  098


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