Leichhardt activists organise against war


SYDNEY - The recently formed Leichhardt Stop the War Group is
demonstrating the breadth of local opposition to the waging of war on 
the people of Iraq. Its members include the mayor of Leichhardt, people 
from progressive parties such as the Greens, the Socialist Alliance and 
the Communist Party of Australia, the reverend of a local church, 
activists who are old enough to have marched against the Korean War and 
a 10-year old local boy and his father.

The group will hold its first public event on Invasion/Australia Day, 
with a “Picnic for Peace” to be held from noon at Bicentenial Park (end 
of Glebe Point Road) on January 26. Mayor Maire Sheehan will address the
peace picnic, which will also feature entertainment and banner painting.
People are asked to bring their own food and drink.

A “Walk against the War” will be held at 7.30pm on the evening of 
February 1, gathering at Leichhardt Town Hall on Norton Street. Speakers 
will include Reverend Don Wright, the Leichhardt deputy mayor and Greens
candidate for Port Jackson Jamie Parker, anti-war activist and refugee
campaigner Paul Benedek, who is the Socialist Alliance's candidate for
Port Jackson, 10-year-old Joseph Alcock, anti-Pine Gap campaigner and
Communist Party member Denis Doherty and union activist Col Cooper.
Participants are asked to bring candles, torches and placards.

The Leichhardt group is holding stalls and leafleting to both build the
local events, and build a massive local contingent to protests that are
part of the February 15-16 national weekend of action against war in Iraq.
The next Leichhardt STWG meeting is at 7.30pm, Thursday January 30 at
Leichhardt Town Hall. Phone Paul on 0410 629 088 for information.

 From Green Left Weekly, January 22, 2003.
Visit the Green Left Weekly home page @

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 1800 634 206 (FREE call from
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Anti-War Protest targeting Sikorsky Aircraft (War Profiteer)

12:00pm Saturday 1 February
Newtown Bridge (King St), march to Sikorsky HQ
Transport: Train to Newtown Station. Buses 423, 426, 428 from city.

Contact: Minh Nguyen

Anti-war rally and march against Sikorsky Aircraft Corp (makers of Black
Hawks, Comanche) - war profiteer - Marrickville's Merchant of Death!


The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation are makers of Black Hawk and Sea Hawk
helicopters. The Australian Army uses them to transport troops into
battle. Sikorsky supplies means for delivering murder and misery as the 
US imposes its interests the world over.

Sikorsky is here in Marrickville – down by Alexandra Canal. They want 
new multi-billion dollar deals in Australia to replace Black Hawk & Navy

Their prospects are good. Military spending shot from $11,000 million to
$13,300 million a year in the last 2 years.  Billions are spent making 
war so the US can dominate the world’s oil reserves. Meanwhile Medicare 
flounders, education funds shrink and social programmes suffers.


Our Government humiliates Australians by subservience to the American
Empire. It ties us into US bullying and aggression making us, with the 
US, an object of increasing foreign resentment.

But targeting our governments is not enough. We must also target the
corporate networks and institutions that provide the logic for war.

The corporate-industrial-military complex has a huge say in Australia.
Coalition & Labor governments, to their shame, look after foreign
corporate giants, and a few local ones too, deregulating, restructuring,
privatisating, warmongering. Ordinary people cop the consequences.

War is good for business. Manufacturers like Sikorsky use government
commitment to the American Empire. They get Canberra spending billions 
on military equipment and arms.

Their interests are driving Australian foreign policy.


- No war for oil! No Australian involvement in American aggression in
- Starve warmongering military profiteers!
- Down with Sikorsky – Marrickville’s local merchant of death!

A peace group set up by Marrickville residents concerned to oppose the
involvement of the Australian military in an American War against Iraq.
For more information, contact Colin on 0405 009 435 or


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