The following Editorial was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, February 
19th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
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Editorial - Howard's arrogance knows no limit

"I will not be moved" declared John Howard and Alexander Downer in 
response to the huge anti-war demonstrations around the world over the 
weekend. "My charge as Prime Minister is to make whatever decisions are 
in the interest of this country", he said. At the same time he rails 
about Saddam Hussein being a dictator!

Howard's arrogance knows no limit.

He will not be moved by the reports of the weapons inspectors, who, 
after three months in Iraq have found not a skerrick of evidence that 
Iraq possesses any weapons of mass destruction. Hans Blix stated last 
week, in connection with the search for biological and chemical weapons, 
"The results to date have been consistent with Iraq's declaration".

Howard will not be moved by the opposition to war coming from the
governments representing the majority of the people of the world.

He will not be moved by the fact that the world's people simply do not
believe the succession of lies coming from Tony Blair, Colin Powell, 
George Bush and himself in an attempt to whip up support for war.

Howard and his warmongering mates are lying. It is as simple as that. 
And more and more people see through their lies.

Their war plans have nothing to do with Saddam Hussein's record (Is he 
the only one with a dirty record?). It has nothing to do with weapons of 
mass destruction. It has nothing to do with the allegation that Iraq 
could provide terrorist groups with weapons of mass destruction. Blair 
has now attempted to push the moral button, alluding to the numbers 
killed in Iraqi wars. But, we are supposed to believe it is OK if the 
US, Britain and Australia kill an equal number to achieve their ends.

These arguments are merely diversions to cover up the truth. The 
warmongers never have and never will tell the truth. The US war drive is 
motivated by the dire need of the US corporations to control the oil 
resources of the whole of the Middle East and, thereby, control the 
economic and political life of all other countries.

It is about US world hegemony and Howard is totally in support of that. 
He hopes that Australian corporations will reap some of the benefits 
from the re-imposition of colonial regimes in the Middle East and elsewhere.

There is another unspoken compelling reason. It is that the steady
strengthening of the euro is now challenging the domination of the US 
dollar in world trade, particularly oil. Not only have the main powers 
of Europe, with the exception of Britain, adopted the euro but more and 
more countries are converting dollars into euro.

One analyst wrote recently that, "Saddam sealed his fate when he decided 
to switch to the euro in late 2000 (and later converted his US $10 
billion reserve fund at the UN to euros) - at that point, another 
manufactured Gulf War became inevitable under Bush II." (Rechnagel, 
Charles, "Iraq: Baghdad Moves to Euro" November 1, 2000.

Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and other countries are also
buying up euros. This helps to explain the line-up that is taking place 
in the United Nations Security Council. It also helps to explain the
single-minded and bloody-minded determination of the US and its very few
allies to launch a war against Iraq.

The fact that some of the biggest demonstrations over the weekend took 
place in those countries (Spain, Italy, the US, Britain and Australia) 
whose governments support the war option, is very significant and 

But the determination of Bush, Howard, Blair and a few other governments 
to go ahead with war raises the necessity to go further now. The 
demonstrations against the war are extremely significant but it is going 
to be necessary to rapidly remove those governments or the leaders of 
those governments that support this diabolical US war before it is too late.

As one placard read: "If Johnny comes marching home, he will come with 
blood on his hands". Yes, the blood of tens of thousands of Iraqi men, 
women and children and perhaps the blood of Australian servicemen. Throw 
him out!


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