by SOCIALIST ALLIANCE 12:56am Sun Mar 16 '03   article#43798

address: PO Box A2323, Sydney South 1235, AUSTRALIA
phone:   Dick Nichols 0418 281 424, Riki Lane 0400 877 819,
          David Glanz 0418 316 310

Socialist Alliance calls for unity to stop war on Iraq

The Socialist Alliance National Co-conveners announced the launch of the
Alliance’s campaign for trade union action to stop the war on Iraq and
Australian involvement in it.

They also released the following letter to ALP members calling for a
united movement against the impending war on Iraq. (article 1)

MEDIA RELEASE - 7 March 2003

Campaign for industrial action to stop war launched

The Socialist Alliance National Co-conveners David Glanz, Riki Lane and
Dick Nichols today announced the launch of the Alliance’s campaign for
trade union action to stop the war on Iraq and Australian involvement in

As a start to union and worker action against the war the Alliance is
calling on the ACTU and state and territory trades and labour councils 
to organise a half-day strike and city-centre rally in March 26—to 
coincide with the next national student strike called by National Union 
of Students.

In the case of an outbreak of war the Alliance is also proposing that
unions organise for their members to leave work and participate in the
protests that are already being planned if Washington attacks Iraq. 
Glanz said that in taking industrial action the trade unions would be 
acting for the vast majority of Australians who are opposed to a 
criminal war.

“Industrial action is also about the only language John Howard
understands”, Glanz added. “The prime minister has refused to hold a
referendum on the war—he knows the overwhelming majority would vote
against it.”

Riki Lane said that industrial action is also one of the most important
ways to make the cost of war unacceptably high to the Howard government.
“Industrial action played an important role in pulling Australia out of
its last major military adventure—Vietnam. It’s time to mobilise working
people against the war machine again.” he said.

Dick Nichols pointed out that unions and workers overseas were already
taking action against the US war effort, with transport unions in Italy
and engine drivers in Scotland refusing to move war material.” “Many
Australian unions have adopted good resolutions against war. Now’s the
time to move from words to action.” he concluded.

For more details, visit


To all ALP members—let’s unite to stop this war

Dear comrades,

Bush, Howard and Blair are itching to plunge us into war. Millions of
Australians understand that an attack on Iraq would be little more than
cold-blooded mass murder in a war for oil and control of the Middle East.

They also know that Howard is determined to ignore the clear majority 
who reject this impending conflict.

That is why around one million came on to the streets of our cities in

And that is why it is urgent that we all bend our efforts to build the
strongest, broadest anti-war movement we can.

We need to win the argument with our workmates and neighbours that war 
is not justified—with or without the sanction of the UN.

To turn that into continuing resistance to Howard, we need to be
organising anti-war groups in our communities, workplaces and campuses.

We need to build and support action by workers and students before the 
war starts, and ensure the most massive demonstrations and stopwork 
rallies possible once the US weapons of mass destruction are raining 
down on the heads of the Iraqi people.

That action will be easier to organise if the ALP leadership is forced 
to take a clear stand against the war. There can be no hint of 
bipartisanship over Howard’s blood-soaked agenda.

The Socialist Alliance congratulates Labor MPs like Carmen Lawrence and
Harry Quick who have stood by their principles and rejected war 
outright. We also congratulate those local ALP members and branches that 
have taken a stand—from Chippendale in NSW, to Brunswick in Victoria. 
The decision to oppose war outright by the NSW Socialist Left is another 
important contribution.

Our task is urgent

The Socialist Alliance, like many in the ALP, is actively building the
movement. That work would be stronger if all those who oppose the war
outright united their efforts. Unity is urgently needed.

In the municipality of Moreland, Victoria, for example, Socialist
Alliance, ALP members and branches and the Greens have united behind the
local peace group, helping make possible a local rally of 500.

Similar unity has produced a 1000-strong rally in Leichhardt, Sydney, 
and in West End, Brisbane.

The Socialist Alliance urges all ALP members, branches and MPs to join
with us in organising antiwar groups and in convincing unionists to 
commit to action against the war.

The national and state conveners of the Socialist Alliance would be 
happy to meet with conveners of Labor left groupings to discuss how to 
spread this collaboration as widely as possible.

Local Alliance branches also look forward to working with ALP members in
our communities, unions and campuses and would welcome local 
coordinating meetings with ALP branches.

Working together we can stop the warmongers!

Yours in solidarity,

David Glanz, Riki Lane and Dick Nichols
National Co-conveners

For more details, visit


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