Solidarity Gathering, Fri 28th, 1.00-1.30pm, Preston Mosque

The Preston Mosque is one of the main Islamic centres in Victoria.
Supporters of peace and harmony are invited to gather this Friday
outside the Mosque in a demonstration of caring and solidarity with
Melbourne's Islamic community.

The Islamic community in general, and the ethnic Iraqi community in
particular, are especially vulnerable during this war.  Western
casualties, and the use of chemical or biological weapons against the
US-led troops, are both likely triggers for an eruption of local
hostility towards the Islamic community.  At the same time, the Iraqi
community itself is enduring a very distressing period, having to cope
with the implications and consequences of an attack on their friends,
family and homeland, even as many might hope that the tyrant Saddam is

For all of us who feel powerless in this terrible period, here is an
opportunity to show how much we care for those bearing the brunt of
the calamity here in Australia.  Please join us; bring a flower (or
handful!) to offer to those attending the mosque, as a powerful symbol
of our friendship.

This event is intended to repeat each Friday - with an ever-growing
number of supporters, until we can link arms around the whole block! -
until peace and stability have returned to Iraq.

      1.00-1.30pm, Friday 28th March
      Preston Mosque, Cramer St Preston

For further information, contact:
Chris Chaplin
M: 0400 886 876

This activity is non-denominational and non-party-political.  Please
circulate this notice widely.



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