Victorian Peace Diary

at 30 March 2003

compiled by Victorian Peace Network
More information VPN office 9659 3582
Nic Maclellan 0421840100 David Spratt 0417070099
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] to add listings


2pm Sunday 13 April
2pm Rally at Treasury Gardens plus 2pm Ecumenical service at Federation
Square. Followed by march and festival at Treasury Gardens, with music 
and speakers.
VPN 96593582 or Victorian Council of Churches 96504511.
Posters and flyers available from 96593582 or download at


Weekly picket at Defense Department: every Monday 7.30am onwards until 
the troops are brought home, 661 Bourke St (near Spencer St). Organised 
by Direct Action Peace Network.

Daily vigil at American Consulate 553 St Kilda Road Melbourne, Monday to
Friday 8am to 7pm, Women for Peace: No Weapons No Wars, in conjunction 
with the Moreland Peace Group. Info: 93876490

Geelong peace stall every Friday 5pm at Market Square. Info: Bronwyn

Queenscliff peace vigil every Sunday 10am-noon, Historic Society, Hesse
Street. Info: Chris 5258 2729

Ocean Grove Stand for Peace 12-1pm, Terrace Shopping Strip.

Frankston Peace vigil Shannon Mall, Frankston 5pm Fridays

Ballarat Peace vigils Friday 5pm-7pm Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sunday 30 March, 11am: US religious leader Rev. Paul Sawyer speak on 
"Peace from a Religious perspective" at the Melbourne Unitarian Peace 
Memorial Church 110 Grey Street, East Melbourne (opposite Mercy Hospital).

Sunday 30 March 8-9pm: Candlelight Vigil - Broadmeadows Town Hall, 1079
Pascoe Vale Road, The Hume Interfaith Leaders Network, Broadmeadows 
Progress Association , and Concerned residents. Contact: 9309 6296

Sunday 30 March, 7pm: Latrobe Valley Peace Network candlelight peace 
vigil, Apex Park, Waterloo Road, Moe

Wed 2 April, 7pm: Forum 'Only people power can stop the war', Church 
Hall, 10a Hyde St, Footscray. Speakers: Jean McLean, Lincoln Hancock, 
Sylvie Leber. Info: Socialist Alliance 96870789

Thursday April 3 onwards: "In Shifting Sands" Scott Ritter Documentary 
on UN arms inspectors and Iraq. exclusively on at Cinema Nova 380 Lygon 
St, Carlton, ph 9349 5201

Fri 4 April, 7pm on: Don't whine, drink wine. VPN Fundraiser at Bar 
Nancy, 61 High Street, Westgarth. Sausage Sizzle! Queer and mixed crowd. 
DJs and performers. Info: 9486 4632

Sat 5 April, 12:30pm: Warburton peace picnic, by the river, behind the
shops. Friendly family-oriented get together. Info Jan 59669660

Sunday, 6 April, Noon: Peace - Piece a Human Artwork by Nora Sumberg. 
Come to a mass "die in" Parliament House Steps Spring Street. Wear: 
white, splashed with red paint and/or tomato sauce. Think: high visual 
impact,war casualties, death & disaster. Bring friends and family and 
lie down in a silent protest against this war Info Nora 0412 026 424 / 



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