STUDENT STRIKE        -       Apr 2 2003

Under Cover Police Pepper Sprays Student

from the newswire

Undercover police sprayed a young protestor today and then fled the 
scene with Legal Observers hot on their heels demanding that they be 
detained or identify themselves as police. Uniformed police protected 
and eventually allowed the men to escape after legal observers and a 
team of citizens bailed them up in an innercity office block lift....

A Legal Observer witnessed what she described as an unprovoked pepper
spraying incident during the Student protest today.

Two men fled the area immediately afterwards followed by legal observers
and camera people - one of the men wearing a Sony Music t-shirt 
[pictured] had allegedly opened fire with his pepper spray at close 
range downing a young student protestor.

The men refused to identify themselves and were followed by Jennifer and
other legal observers, myself and a video camera operator into an inner
city office block.

They then attempted to flee via a lift but the door was blocked by the
team of citizens as they demanded the men either be arrested or identify
themselves as police. The men refused to speak and were attempting to 
shut the door when a uniformed police officer cleared us from the lift 
door way and allowed the men to escape.

My understanding is that this police officer confirmed (to another legal
observer) that the two men were undercover police officers and that they
had used the Pepper Spray on the student, claiming it to be "reasonable

One mainstream media report
describes a small outbreak that led to a splinter group of about 60
teenagers - many chanting their protests in Arabic - running amok 
through Sydney streets as they were pursued by police on foot and 

Protesters tried to damage shops as they charged through Darling Harbour
before some were briefly surrounded by massed police after doubling back
into the city. NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Dick Adams described 
the splinter group who broke away from the largely peaceful anti-war 
rally at Sydney's Town Hall as "mostly young Middle Eastern males".

However, another report on this episode presents a different picture 
with peer group restraint exercised by some students, but arrests still
We ran around in Darling Harbour then back through the city to Hyde Park
and down into Surrey Hills. As you'd expect from teenagers it wasn't 
very organised, but generally the couple who wanted to trash stuff got 
turned around by others in the group and everyone just kept running away 
from the cops, who kept chasing them. The arrests started as the group 
spread out in Surrey Hills. I saw four arrests around Chapel Lane, plus 
one girl loaded into the paddy wagons who'd been arrested out of my sight.

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Protest Images
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