The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, July 16th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
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Howard's way on health - Destroying Medicare -- Feeding Insurance Companies

The following is the text of a talk given by Dr Con Costa to the Sydney
District Conference of the Communist Party held on July 6.


Cutbacks to health and Medicare are just one of the many attacks on the
people by the Howard Government. But it is a very sensitive area and, in 
my experience, people feel very strongly about the attacks on Medicare 
and the public health system.

Before Howard was elected he promised that "Medicare stays". It was an
unequivocal statement implying to the voters that Medicare and 
bulk-billing would stay. He promised this to the Australian people. In 
fact, the Liberal Party could not have won a Federal election unless 
they supported Medicare.

Well, Howard lied. He totally deceived the public. Since he has been in
government the whole emphasis on health funding has switched to the 
private health system and we are talking about almost $4 billion 
annually of taxpayer's money.

(I know people talk about the private health insurance rebate (PHI 
Rebate) as being $2.3 billion but Leonie Segal from the Health Economics 
Unit at Monash University has recently analysed the cost of the PHI 
Rebate and, adding up all the on costs and the losses from the Medicare 
levy from people being in private health insurance, it comes to $3.6 
billion!! Every year!!)

So Howard and Costello are diverting almost $4 billion of taxpayer's 
money annually from Medicare and from public hospitals and bulk-billing 
and it is going into the pockets of the private health insurance 
industry . and sixty percent of this large amount of money goes on 
ancillaries - not hospital care.

Private affluence and public squalor

Their aim is to introduce a US-style health system to this country -
creating what G K Gailbraith, a well known US economist, described as a
system of private affluence and public squalor. It is a health system 
where, if you have money you get the best and if you are poor or without 
insurance, you go without and you die.

I think this is an important point we need to be making to the 
Australian people. It's not just Medicare that is being got rid of. It 
is the Australian form of health care that Howard and Costello are 
putting to the sword by cutting off funding.

Australia's system is built on the British model with universal public
hospitals accessible to all via casualty and emergency services and GP's 
as the providers of primary care. They are also the gate-keepers to 
specialist care and hospital admission.

Tried, tested and cost effective model

This is a tried and tested model and has always worked as a cost 
effective model. People do not go directly to expensive specialist care. 
They go first to their GP who, hopefully keeps them healthy and keeps 
them away from expensive care unless it is necessary. Or they go to the 
casualty or emergency room if they need to.

This whole system is under threat because if Medicare goes we won't 
continue with that British model. It will be the US-model and will be 
run by insurance companies. It will be managed care and we will lose a 
lot of the freedoms that we now take for granted.

At the moment you are free to walk into any public casualty centre if 
you feel sick - you are free to do it.

If you see your doctor he or she is free to treat you in any way they 
feel professionally is the right way for you without asking for approval 
from the government or an insurance company. There is no third party in 
the consultation room being a part of the decisions.

These basic freedoms do not exist in the expensive US model, even if you 
can afford top cover private health insurance. You still need to ring 
your insurer if you feel sick in the middle of the night and request 
permission to go to casualty.

Some bureaucrat at the end of the line may say, "Do you really need to? 
What about waiting until Monday and seeing your GP as it will be a lot 
cheaper for us." They might OK you to go to an Emergency Room but direct 
you to one of the hospitals they own in the next town.

So we are going to lose a lot of freedoms that we have taken for granted 
in the Australian system even if you are one of the lucky 60 per cent 
that can afford the private health insurance.

If you cannot afford private health insurance you just won't get health 
care or you will go to a relative to beg for the money or you will sell 
your house. You may not recall that prior to Medibank being introduced 
[by the Whitlam Government], the commonest cause for going to jail for 
non-criminal causes in South Australia was because of failure to pay 
your medical bills.

So what is under threat here is not just Medicare. What is under threat 
is the Australian way of life and Australia's form of health care. 
Howard's policies are all about shoe-horning in a US-style of health - 
because we know that Howard is a pro-US model person. The war on Iraq 
was just one example of his strong pro-US position.

He has an extreme position on these issues and a strong belief in the 
free market and that people should individually pay for what they need, 
including their health care.

But Howard's position does not make economic or public health sense. 
Imagine trying to stop a SARS epidemic where more than 30 percent of the 
people do not have private health insurance and cannot access hospital 
or other health care, in a fully privatised system.

Imagine trying to stop the outbreak of a communicable disease in a 
society where 30 per cent or more do not have access to proper health 
services. There will be a permanent reservoir of infection in society 
which will be a risk to all.

How can Australia afford a health system which will increase from just 
over 8 per cent GDP to around 14 per cent GDP as is the case in the US? 
Consider that under Medicare three per cent of the dollar is spent on 
administration and 97 per cent on health care. In a private system, 14 
per cent goes on administrative costs - to check all those claims - and 
another 25 per cent goes to the shareholders - leaving only around 60 
per cent for health care!

Medicare and bulk billing on the rack

As a result of the transfer of almost $4 billion to the private health
insurance every year, we are seeing the effects on the public health 
system and bulk billing.

People are getting turnstile medicine when they go to the GP - if they 
can find one that still bulk bills!

I have told the story before of a young woman who turned up at our 
medical practice on a Monday feeling nauseous. She said she had been to 
a Medical Centre the day before and had waited two hours before getting 
in to see a doctor. He gave her some anti-nausea pills but she didn't 
get better. She came to me and of course the first question I asked was, 
"Did he do a pregnancy test?" The answer, "No". The pregnancy test was 
positive and we took a different approach to her nausea symptoms.

Doctors are maintaining their incomes by pushing patients through 
quicker and sicker and it is the patient that loses.

At nursing homes patients may not get visited and elderly people on 
multiple drugs who are really sick and have not been visited regularly 
either die quicker or they yo-yo back and forward to the public hospital 
at $1000 a bed. The GP won't do a $30 nursing home visit because the 
government won't increase the rebate by 10 per cent. So the Federal 
Government is saving $3 on a nursing home visit and it is costing $2000 
to $3000 for three days in a public hospital to the State Government - 
or it is costing the elderly nursing patient their life!

This is what Howard is doing. He is bleeding the system dry and the 
States are now starting to scream because all the cost is ending up on 
the State public hospitals - which are, incidentally, about $1 billion 
under-funded by the Feds to begin with. So patients are sent out of 
hospital quicker and sicker and the whole process goes around and around.

The public system is being squeezed financially while the Government 
gives $3.6 billion annually to the private health insurance industry.

It is the people who are paying with their health and with their lives 
and this is what Howard has done for the last four years and we should 
be really screaming about it because it is inhumane.

We are now almost down to the sort of health system one would expect in
Africa were 200 people line up in the morning just to get a few seconds 
of the doctor's time.

Most doctors who still bulk-bill have a professional and conscientious
attitude and are trying hard. But they are going to the wall. They are 
just getting fed up and are putting up a sign "we now charge $45". They 
will see half the number of patients and earn the same money.

Howard has achieved all of this through his private health insurance 
rebate. At the last budget Costello proudly said that the Liberals are 
spending more on health than any other previous government. He justified 
this claim by including the $4 billion insurance rebate in his total of 
health spending.

And Costello after budget night said on national TV that the next thing 
that has to go is the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS), "if not this 
year or next year, it is going". If the PBS goes it will result in the 
immediate doubling in the price of a prescription - from $23 to $47 and 
eventually to $70, $80 or even $120 a script per month. And a lot of my 
patients are on five or six scripts a month!

In the United States where there is no PBS it costs $1000 a month for 
your tablets if you are a diabetic or chronic heart disease patient. 
Patients have to ask the doctor for tablets that are four times the 
normal strength. They break their tablets into halves and quarters to be 
able to afford their medicines - or they take their tablets in bursts - 
only when they can afford them!

At this very moment the free trade agreement between Australia and the 
US is in an advanced stage. The Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme is one of 
the items that is being negotiated away and this is all happening in secret.

How are people going to afford their drugs? This is major issue we are
talking about. What Howard and Costello are saying is that we can afford
private health insurance but not an affordable drug scheme. No wonder 
Howard is having trouble selling it because he knows that Medicare is 
popular even with Liberal voters!

An alternative way

The Doctors' Reform Society (DRS) and the National Medicare Alliance has
come up with an alternative way to spend Howard's annual $4 billion GIFT 
to the private health insurance companies.

We have to get rid of the PHI rip-off because if we don't, Medicare 
cannot be properly funded. We cannot keep giving $4 billion every year 
of taxpayer's money to the private health insurance funds and have 
enough money for Medicare.

1) If we put $280 million to increase the rebate to GP's by say $5 some 
will be happier to bulk-bill. (However many will only return to 
bulk-billing when it is properly indexed to inflation, given the bad 
experiences of the past).

2) And then, rather than give all the money directly to the doctors 
let's help them and their patients by putting another $180 million to 
pay for nurses in general practice.

The girl who waited two hours in a medical centre because of nausea 
could have been seen by the nurse while she was waiting and could have 
had the pregnancy test done and been better prepared to see a busy 
doctor. Also mothers with asthmatic kids waiting for hours could be 
shown how to use the nebulisers or advice on asthma or diabetics and be 
given diet and advice on home management, or the elderly explained their 
medications, etc.

GPs working with practice nurses are commonplace in country areas which 
are declared "areas of need" and receive government subsidies.

We are saying, "Let's make bulk-billing GPs an "area of need", because 
they are bulk billing."

(Howard has also cut down on the number of doctors and reduced the 
number of provider numbers. You need a provider number to access 
Medicare payments. As a result, there are no locums, there are no 
assistants. These doctors are overworked and they can't get any help 
because the private charging doctors and the entrepreneurial medical 
centres quickly soak up any of the limited spare doctors.

3)  Increase public hospital spending by $710 million - because we know 
they are hugely under-funded.

4) We also call for $750 million for a proper National Dental Scheme.

One of the first and meanest acts of the Howard Government was to get 
rid of the $100 million (and very minimal) dental scheme where very poor 
and elderly people could get their teeth fixed so they could eat.

We're saying don't just bring back the mini-$100 million scheme but 
build a FULL $750 million scheme to give a proper national dental scheme 
for people who really need it.

5) Also the PBS needs fixing as costs are going up - new prescriptions 
now hit the market at around $120 per month. The pharmaceutical 
companies are spending $750 million dollars every year to directly 
market their products to GPs. They spend $30,000 per year on each and 
every doctor in Australia.

In contrast the Government spends only $5 million dollars on a 
government education scheme - and even this small intervention saves $15 
million dollars for the PBS. We are calling for the Government to spend 
$150 million to fund independent drug detailers to advise GPs on 
appropriate use of medications and to combat the drug company 
propaganda. Even then we would be outspent five to one by the drug 

6) $120 million dollars would give a 10 per cent increase for Aboriginal
health which would be money well spent.

7) A 10 per cent increase for aged care at $300 million.

This all adds up to around $2.6 billion - thus we still have $1 billion 
of the $3.6 billion PHI rebate left over. So obviously we can afford 
Medicare and we can afford the PBS.

Medicare fight-back needed

Medicare cannot survive without the support of the Labor Party. But 
their position was hardly clear until more recently. And it was not so 
long ago when Labor health spokesperson Steven Smith was talking about 
the future of Medicare as "a safety net".

Unfortunately the Labor Party is trying to have it both ways when they 
say they will defend Medicare but they will also keep financing the 
private health insurance industry. It is an illusion to think we can 
fund two systems. The Government's priority is for the public system on 
which we all depend, and which they promised to maintain, should go.

Other than the CPA the only party that has a clear position on getting 
rid of the PHI rebate is the Greens. The Democrats are talking about 
supporting Howard's budget changes to bulk-billing if they can get 
guarantees on the capping of doctors' costs. Pigs might fly. They also 
have a position of support for a means-tested PHI rebate.

The ACTU through Sharan Burrow and the National Committee has taken a 
good position on Medicare and bulk billing - although some individual 
unions may still be under the delusion that they will be OK through 
bargaining for PHI cover for their members.

Women often understand the importance of good health care - women are
usually the main carers for children. Before Medicare it was often only 
the rich women who had reproductive checks. Before Medicare there were 
no doctors in the western suburbs of Sydney - (few could afford to pay 
them). So the ACTU felt keenly that Howard's policies would impact very 
strongly on workers, particularly on fixed wages, and they took a great 

There is the National Medicare Alliance which has been working well for
several years. It includes ACOSS, the Pensioners, the ACA, and the 
National Nurses Federation and, since the ACTU came on board, state Save 
Medicare Committees were formed. Now we are seeing them spring up in 
locality areas and I spoke at Parramatta Save Medicare recently.

We need to support this nationwide and local grass-roots activity and
clarify the issues. I think we have to attack principally the PHI rebate 
and it is important that we know where political parties stand on this.

Let's be quite clear. If the PHI rebate stays, Howard does not need to 
make any further attacks on Medicare. The whole system is imploding 
through lack of proper funding and we are going to get a user-pays and 
US-style health system.

We also need to get into the specifics, because many are saying they 
support Medicare because it is popular. We need to promote the objective 
of getting rid of the PHI rebate through slogans such as "a national 
dental scheme or private health insurance", "bulk-billing or private 
health insurance" etc, so people understand what their choices are and 
don't feel that "something is being taken away from them" if they lose 
their PHI rebate.

(People are being tricked by the offer of discounted private health
insurance because they can "get their sunglasses for free". But when 
they go to the GP with their kids they all have to pay and they will 
soon be paying double for their prescriptions as well as co-payments for 
all medical services such as x-rays and mammograms.

Soon they will find that the local public hospital is means-tested and 
that they will no longer have a choice about whether they choose to use 
their PHI or not. Very quickly that free pair of sunglasses will come to 
be very expensive.)

Work together on Medicare

Above all the anti-Howard political forces need to start working closer
together on Medicare if we are going to save Australia's health system - 
and not spend time on attacking each other.

This will be a challenge in itself given the Labor Party's hostility and
competitiveness with the Greens and other progressive parties, the deep
divisions among left parties and the divided and opportunistic policies 
of the Democrats, not to mention the numerous key independents in the 
Senate. (Remember it was Senator Harradine's single vote that gave 
Howard his victory on the PHI rebate in return for a "no gaps and known 
gaps" guarantee.)



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