The following Editorial was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, July 23rd, 
2003. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.


Editorial: Cool reception to Howard's sabre rattling in Asia

Howard's visits to the Philippines, Japan and South Korea last week were 
by no means a resounding success. His main objective was to pressure the
Governments of these nations to support an aggressive, interventionist
policy against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).
Howard's junket was closely followed by British Prime Minister, Tony 
Blair who was on a similar mission, to line up Japan and South Korea. It 
is of interest that neither Howard nor Blair bothered to visit China or 
the Russian Federation which have land borders with North Korea.

Earlier a group of 11 nations had met in Brisbane under the baton of the
United States which, together with the Howard Government, was attempting 
to knock together another "coalition of the willing" to "interdict" 
North Korean vessels that they "suspected" of carrying missiles, drugs 
or even counterfeit money. The nations that attended the Brisbane 
meeting were, in a number of cases, less than enthusiastic about 
becoming involved in such open piracy.

Howard's visit to the Philippines did win him a joint statement between 
the two governments to continue the "war against terrorism" but, 
according to media reports, a very chilly personal relationship between 
the Philippines President and John Howard was on display. It may well be 
that the arrogance of Howard and the Australian Government's clear 
intention of telling the Philippines Government how to run its business 
was not well received in what is after all, a far more important country 
in the Asian region than is Australia.

Commenting on the escape of a "terrorist" suspect from a Philippines 
jail at the time of his visit, Howard said that the incident underlined 
the "need for steady institution building in many of the countries in 
the region". Presumably there is no such need in Australia where Phillip 
Ruddock could show these "backward" countries how to run efficient 
concentration camps.

Similarly in Japan where the government might have been expected to
enthusiastically sign up to a new war on the Korean Peninsula. The two 
sides did no more than back the US demand for multilateral talks between 
North Korea, South Korea, the US, Japan and other Asian nations. They 
talked vaguely about co-operating in the fight against terrorism. The 
proposal to interdict North Korean ships received a cool reception. 
There was no mention of a free trade agreement although Japan remains 
one of Australia's major trading partners. Rather, Japan intends to 
impose a 50 percent tariff on the import of Australian beef.

Trade issues also came up in the Philippines, where the Government 
accused Australia of using quarantine restrictions as a means to keep 
Philippine bananas off supermarket shelves.

In South Korea the Australian "man of steel" could ring no more out of 
the South Korean Government than a commitment to pursue dialogue with 
North Korea and the wish to have the problems which have, in fact, been 
cooked up by the United States, settled by negotiations. The people of 
both South and North Korea are opposed to war and are increasingly 
embracing the movement for the reunification of the two states. (See 
story page 8.) The fear of peaceful reunification and an independent 
Korea is one of the main factors behind the increased aggressiveness 
coming from the US and the Australian Governments. That would leave the 
US with no excuse to maintain its forces on the peninsula.

Meanwhile The Weekend Australian (July 19-20) has excelled itself in
editorial vitriol. Under the heading "Only monkeys see no evil in N 
Korea", the editorial churns out lurid inventions such as "one in 10 of 
its citizens has died of starvation since 1995", "The regime holds 
200,000 political prisoners and another 400,000 have died in prisons" 
and that "North Korea is literally undermining its neighbour with secret 
tunnels reportedly penetrating deep into South Korea".

All this is used to justify the "prescient" speeches of George Bush in 
which he branded North Korea as one of the three "axis of evil" 
countries. But then, Rupert Murdoch who owns The Australian is one of 
George Bush's most avid admirers and supporters.



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