The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, July 30th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.


It's now or never to save Medicare

"Whatever the Government says, full insurance will be means tested from 
now on and there will be GP co-payments for most people. These would be 
uncapped and unpredictable, and only a fool would believe that they will 
not rise or eventually extend to other services."

by Bob Briton

These are the words of John Deeble, Adjunct Professor of Economics at 
the Australian National University and a chief architect of the original
Medicare scheme. They contain a clear warning that the Federal 
Government's proposed changes to Medicare will destroy universal free 
health care in Australia by attacking one of its cornerstones: bulk-billing.

Already active organisations have sprung up across the country in 
defence of Medicare and against the further encroachment of corporate 
interests into the national health system.

People are angry enough that private health insurers are favoured with a
gift of a whopping $3.6 billion a year via the Private Health Insurance
Rebate and other devices.

And, they will be even angrier if these insurance companies are given 
the extra opportunity of insuring those who fail the means test for the 
new  "gap" - i.e. the difference between the Medicare rebate paid to GPs 
and the amount they may choose to charge over and above that amount (the

The Guardian reported last week that a rally in Sydney attracted a wide
range of community organisations and at least 700 participants. Other 
major events, like the National Health Care Summit to be held in the Old
Parliament House in Canberra from August 17-19 will help to maintain the
momentum of this emerging people's movement.

However, the importance of what is at stake dictates that this movement 
must quickly expand to exert the necessary political influence to save 

Data from the OECD and distributed recently by the ACTU makes the
alternatives clear. Figures compare the United States - with its mostly
private, managed health system that Howard is pursuing - and Australia 
and a number of other OECD countries with largely publicly funded systems.

Infant mortality in Australia stood at 5.7 per 1000 live births in 2002. 
In the USA the figure was 7.1. Life expectancy in Australia is 79 years 
on average compared to 76.5 years in the US. There are 3.8 hospital beds 
per 1000 Australians but only three in the United States.

Examination of the figures for the UK, Germany France and Canada show an
unmistakable relationship between health outcomes and the level of 
public funding.

Perhaps most instructive is the fact that the US spends a higher 
proportion of its GDP (national income) to maintain its health system 
(13 per cent) than does Australia (8.3 percent). Health spending per 
person in the US is US$4361 per annum compared to just US$2211 in 
Australia. Even with all this spending, millions of Americans go without 
health cover or insurance companies deny them the medications and 
treatment they need when they are insured.

Finance capital and other corporate interests clean up every which way 
in the unfettered private enterprise US system. No wonder that the 
Federal Government and its corporate backers are keen to go down the 
American path!

Cuba a shining example

The example of Cuba is also an important one to demonstrate the benefits 
of a free universal health care system. Of course Cubans have the 
additional advantage of real public control over health service delivery 
thanks to their socialist revolution. On the other hand, the Cuban 
people also suffer major handicaps in the form of scant natural 
resources, a criminal economic blockade led by the US and the collapse 
of the country's major trading partners in the early 1990s.

Cuba's infant mortality rate is seven per 1000 live births - a figure at 
the better end of the scale for developed countries and light years away 
from the situation in nearby El Salvador where 29 die or Haiti where the 
figure is 91. The figure in Cuba was 60 before the revolution!

Cubans can now expect to live to age 78 while their counterparts in El
Salvador live to be just 70 years old and only 49 in Haiti.

Cuba is today the country with the highest number of doctors per capita 
in the world, with almost twice as many as those that follow closest.

The country's scientific centres are working relentlessly to find 
preventive or therapeutic solutions for the most serious diseases. 
Infectious and contagious diseases like polio, malaria, neonatal 
tetanus, diphtheria, measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough and dengue 
have been eradicated; tetanus, meningococcal meningitis, hepatitis B, 
leprosy, haemophilus meningitis and tuberculosis are fully controlled.

Given Cuba's health record under socialism, Australia's progress under 
that social system would be spectacular, indeed. However, the reality is 
that our immediate task is the building of an alliance to stop the 
Federal Government stripping the good features from Medicare. The future 
of these crucial services depends on the success of this movement.

Join the campaign

The Communist Party of Australia is putting all of its energy into 
building the movement to Save Medicare. Along with health workers and 
trade unions, pensioner, community and other organisations and 
individuals, CPA members are involved in the struggle for universal 
health care based on need, not wealth and privilege.

Visit the CPA's website at <> to obtain a petition, 
a leaflet and a poster as well as a copy of Dr Con Costa's article 
"Destroying Medicare and Feeding Insurance Companies".

The petition is directed to the Senate which could block the changes 
being introduced by the Howard Government. It calls on the Senate "to 
retain and extend the universal public health insurance system Medicare by:

* restoring bulk billing for all;

* increasing financial support to the public health system;

* switching to the public Medicare system the $3.6 billion currently 
used to prop up the private health insurance industry.

It calls on the Senate to oppose the "introduction of cuts to Medicare
services, limitations on its coverage and the introduction of up-front 
fees for GP visits".

Print out a copy of the petition and start collecting signatures. When 
you have filled a sheet, please mail to CPA 65 Campbell Street, Surry 
Hills. 2010

Join the campaign!

Note: If you do not have access to the Internet, copies of Dr Costa's
article in booklet form, leaflets, a petition and a poster are available
from the CPA 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. NSW. 2010. The booklet is 
$1 (plus 50 cents p&p) and donations towards the cost of the campaign 
are always appreciated.



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