Dear Friend, It's that's time of the year again - time for the Sydney Social Forum!
The Sydney Social Forum is an open space promoting solidarity and cooperation among the diversity of activist networks in Sydney, Australia and Internationally. This year's Sydney Social Forum will be held on October 25 and 26 at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). If you, your trade union, collective or organisation would like to get involved with the 2003 SSF, please get in touch, get registered and get involved! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BACKGROUND TO SSF 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In September 2002 the first Sydney Social Forum was held, attracting over 400 people and the support of 35 organisations. Since that time, a number of events have made the need for collaboration and discussion even more urgent. The war on Iraq has clearly signalled an intensifying permanent war on the world's poor - adding more open unilateral military aggression to existing neo-liberal offensives conducted through organisations like the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade Organisation. In Australia, the Howard government's enthusiastic support for the war has been accompanied by increasing attacks on public healthcare, higher education, the continuation of a deplorable refugee policy, and a push for a Free Trade Agreement with the US. On the other side, the worldwide movement against the war in Iraq was also a spectacular expression of opposition to corporate greed and lack of democracy. Within this context, the Sydney Social Forum seeks to provide an open space promoting solidarity and cooperation among the diversity of activist networks in Sydney, Australia and internationally. The SSF aims to promote discussion of analyses of the state of the world, visions of an alternative world and strategies to get from one to the other. It also aims to provide discussion of the nature and significance of the international Social Forum movement, from the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre to the emerging regional and city-based Social Forums. The Sydney Social Forum can only be a real success with the participation of a broad range of groups and individuals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This year's SSF will feature a variety of speakers including: David Barsamian - Award-winning director of Alternative Radio in the US. David has co-authored a number of books with eminent scholars such as Noam Chomsky, Edward Said and Arundhati Roy. Nicola Bullard - Deputy-director of Focus on the Global South. Nicola is co-author along with Walden Bello of "Global Finance: New Thinking on Regulating Speculative Capital Markets". Ariel Guides - Representative from BMP (Solidarity of Filipino Workers), the largest trade union congress in the Philippines, and head of the Freedom from Hunger Coalition in Negros, covering 22,000 sugarworkers across 12 cities and towns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGISTRATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you or your organisation / collective would like to register for this year's SSF, you can get the forms you need from the SSF website. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORKSHOPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you'd like to hold a workshop at this year's forum, you can find more information and register your topic and preferred session time at the SSF website. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPCOMING MEETINGS / EVENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> Next SSF Organising Group Meeting: Thursday, 18 September 6:30pm @ Gaelic Club Everyone welcome! Come and have your say, help make the SSF happen. --> SSF 2003 "Activate" Thursday, 2nd October 6:30pm @ Gaelic Club 64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills Come along to the SSF 2003 Activate. Find out what's happening at this year's SSF. See footage from the 2003 World Social Forum, New York City Social Forum and more. Entry by donation ($10/$5). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ All the latest news and info will be made available at the SSF website: Yours in the belief that another world is possible, SSF Organising Group . -- -- Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Archived at Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop Sub: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsub: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]