The following Editorial was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, October 1st, 
2003. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.


Editorial: Are the ALP leaders determined to lose the next election?

Recent statements by several leaders of the Labor Party give the 
impression that they are determined to lose the next election despite 
the lying of the Howard Government and its concerted attacks on 
education, health care and every other aspect of social security and 

The ALP still refuses to make a commitment to abolish the private health
insurance subsidy by which billions of taxpayers' money is being 
ploughed into the pockets of the private insurance companies and used to 
prop up private hospitals. The rebate could and should be redirected to 
the public health system.

Then only last week Simon Crean ruled out an increase in the Medicare 
levy - another means by which funding could be found so that 
bulk-billing and the whole basis of Medicare as a universal health care 
system could be preserved.

The ALP has quietly dropped its opposition to the GST which signals that 
it has no intention of removing the iniquitous GST but would continue 
its operation. No single piece of legislation has so severely 
discriminated against the working people of Australia, imposed such a 
massive increase in the tax burden on low and middle income earners and 
resulted in substantially increased prices.

Mark Latham has added to the perception that there is practically no
difference between the economic and social policies of the ALP and the
Liberal/National Party Coalition by parading an economic policy based on
"the rigour of private sector competition and the demands of corporate
social responsibility". Latham's policy prescription is called "A Strong
Economy for a Fair Society".

To talk about "private sector competition" and "corporate social
responsibility" is plain nonsense. "Competition policy" was introduced 
at least a decade ago by Paul Keating but what has actually been 
achieved by this policy apart from deregulation and privatisation?

The Commonwealth Bank was privatised. It has since sacked many thousands 
of workers, imposed a multitude of ever-rising fees, closed branches and
massively reduced services to customers. These are the "achievements" of
this policy.

In what way has the privatisation of Australian airports, water 
supplies, rail transport, etc. increased competition? And how did the 
sackings and higher fees benefit customers? Where is the "corporate 
social responsibility" of Ansett towards its workers who are still 
waiting for their entitlements after almost two years. Many other 
workers have also been stripped of their long service leave, 
superannuation, holiday and sick leave entitlements by employers who 
have conveniently become insolvent?

Mark Latham is totally committed to private enterprise and merely mouths 
off about a "Fair Society" aiming to deceive the Australian people into
believing such catch-cries have some meaning when, in practice, they 
mean nothing.

Latham declares that a market economy, (meaning a capitalist economy), 
is here to stay. He and almost all other Labor Party parliamentarians 
have given up all pretence of putting forward a socialist or even 
progressive alternative as the founders of the Labor Party once did.

To top it all the Labor Party cannot find the means to offload Simon 
Crean as its leader when all the evidence shows that he is the most 
unpopular Labor Party leader ever. The reality is that the Labor Party 
is bereft of a leadership that is capable of really standing up for the 
working people of Australia. Even the Labor Party Left has become almost 
indistinguishable from the right-wing factions and fails to enunciate or 
stand up consistently and forthrightly for people friendly policies.

A left and progressive alternative must be found and built if there is 
to be any worthwhile solutions to the many economic and social problems 
that are piling up. This alternative is not a pipe-dream. The people of 
South Africa, Venezuela and Brazil have already put their feet firmly on 
the path of serious change in the interests of the working people and 
the poor in society and the working farmers who are also facing very 
serious economic and environmental problems that cannot be overcome by 
mere band-aids.

This is the path for the Australian people to take, and the sooner the



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