Error 503 is generally the result of a problem with access to the backup device.

You can test your CD-RW drive very easily. First, save your Legacy backup files to your desktop screen and then close Legacy. Next RIGHT click on the backup files and select*Send To*>*CD-RW Drive*(or*DVD-RW Drive*) from the popup menu. If you still get 503, then the problem isn't with the Legacy program at all. The possible causes of this error would be one of the following:

   The CD-RW disk is marked Read-Only, or the security switch on the
   memory stick is set to lock. Try another disk or unlock the memory

   The ZIP file being saved exceeds the maximum size of the removable
   storage device.

   The CD is not formatted for direct save of data. Reformat the CD or
   try a different disk.

   The CD is formatted but the access software (e.g. DirectCD or InCD)
   is not ready. Insert (or re-insert) the CD or memory stick in the
   computer and then open Legacy and try backing up again.

   The CD-RW disk or memory stick has developed a bad area. This can,
   in some instances, be fixed by reformatting.

   Out of date driver software for the CD writer hardware. Update the
   CD Writer driver.

   If backing up to the desktop and then right-clicking works, this
   means you have the kind of CD drive that won't allow to backup right
   from the Legacy program. Please keep in mind, not all computers are
   equal or some may have older CD burners and associated software. If
   you have questions consult the CD drive manufacturer's instructions.

Paul Menso.

Den 2016-07-17 kl. 08:50, skrev Fred van Ward:

Beste mensen,

Wie kan mij helpen. Ik wil een backup maken maar dat lukt niet. Ik krijg deze melding: Back-up fout: 503, Cannot open zip file

Ik dacht ik kies een andere plaats maar als ik op de balk klik gebeurt er niets. Ik heb al geprobeerd om de backup.usr te verwijderen en opnieuw op te starten maar ook dat helpt niet.

Ze hebben het op de Legacy site over

Reset Legacy’s temporary folder by clicking on Options on the menu bar, then select Customize and click the Locations tab. Next, click the Reset button for the 'Location of Temporary Files'.

Maar waar kan ik die optie vinden.

Alvast bedankt voor het meedenken

Groeten Fred

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