Bedankt voor de info.



> On 23 Oct 2018, at 00:32, wrote:
> Hallo Koenraad,
> Voor zover ik weet heeft MyHeritage alleen een autosomale DNA test. De 
> gegevens daarvan kun je niet in Legacy kwijt, omdat deze geen waardes op 
> bepaalde markers heeft zoals een Y-DNA of een mtDNA wel hebben.
> De 3 mogelijkheden in Legacy die je noemt zijn overigens niet van MyHeritage, 
> maar van DNA Heritage, wat inmiddels opgegaan is in FTDNA.
> Onderstaand heb ik de tekst vanuit een vraag die (groten)deels overeenkomt 
> met jouw vraag en het antwoord daarop gekopieerd, alsmede de link waar je dit 
> op de website van Legacy kunt vinden. Hoop dat je daar mee uit de voeten kunt.
> Please implement an "Autosomal DNA" type choice in the "Available Tests" 
> list-box in the "DNA Records" window of a persons details.
> I realise that the information of autosomal DNA will be different to Y and mt 
> DNA records but it could be displayed as appropriate. It would allow a more 
> organised and common place for All DNA information to be recorded and stored. 
> Initially the data could be entered manually but could be automated by Legacy 
> with the DNA matches section of MyHeritage web site. It should be formatted 
> to include an entry for each DNA match for matches between 1st to 4/5th 
> cousins and show the same relevant info. as the web page but in a more 
> compact form. It should also include fields where the user can enter notes 
> and whether the match has been found, verified and who the common ancestor is 
> (with hyperlink to ancestor), etc and also include a link to the address 
> database.
> Hoping the above is implemented.
> Posted by: Brian Edge | June 20, 2018 at 01:28 AM
> Brian, 
> MyHeritage is autosomal DNA and autosomal DNA is not reported in the same way 
> as yDNA or mtDNA (mitochondrial) are. yDNA and mtDNA results are easy to 
> enter because they have values attached to specific fields so Legacy provides 
> a place to enter this information. Autosomal is different. If you download 
> your raw data you will see a text file approx 8MB in size with thousands of 
> values.
> Most people create DNA events to record their DNA info. You can add the 
> testing company, the date tested, the kit number (if applicable) the GEDmatch 
> number (if applicable), the tester's contact information, any correspondence 
> you have had with the tester and any other notes. You can screenshot 
> your/their ethnicity percentages and attach that to the event media gallery. 
> Be aware though that your ethnicity percentages will change from time to time 
> as the companies run their algorithms against additional reference samples. 
> You can also use tagging and/or Hashtags to keep track of your DNA (I use 
> Hashtags).
> How to work with DNA in Legacy is a frequent topic on our Legacy Users Group 
> Facebook page. There are over 15,000 members and it is monitored by some of 
> the staff and some of the beta testers. If you are on Facebook you can join 
> here
> If you are not on Facebook we also have a Legacy Users Group mailing list 
> with about 2000 members which you can join here 
> Legacy's main purpose is not DNA tracking. For that you need to use the 
> Chromosome browsers that are built into MyHeritage, 23andMe, and FTDNA. 
> and LivingDNA do not have chromosome browsers so it is a bit 
> harder there. You can also use the free program Genome Mate Pro 
> which is an advanced chromosome browser and you can also 
> upload your raw data to the GEDmatch website
> Having said all of that, we are working on a direct sync to MyHeritage which 
> will make everything a lot easier :)
> Posted by: Michele | June 20, 2018 at 07:05 AM
> Groeten,
> Sebas
>> ----Origineel Bericht----
>> Van :
>> Datum : 21/10/2018 10:08
>> Aan :
>> Onderwerp : [Legacy-Nederlands] Dna
>> Hallo,
>> Ongeveer een jaar geleden heb ik een dna test laten doen bij myhermitage. Ik 
>> wil deze gegevens nu invoeren in legacy maar daar krijg ik de keuze tussen 3 
>> mogelijkheden nl.
>> - y dna 23
>> - y dna 43
>> - mtDNA
>> Bij elke keuze staan er vele mogelijkheden , eigenlijk te veel om te testen.
>> Ik heb enkel een kit nummer : MH-H6F56J
>> Iemand enig idee wat ik moet kiezen? Hoe het werkt in legacy ? 
>> Heeft iemand hiermee ervaring ?
>> Koenraad
>> Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone
>> -- 
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