Hello Bill
My prayers go out to you. I am very sorry to hear about your wife.
I dont know if it will help, But when My Mother died, I was told the Death is 
the only true test of faith. at the time it realy didnt make since to me, as a 
matter of fact I almost took ofence to the statement. but latter... Much latter 
is made since to me.
Dont worry about makeing mistakes here on the fourm, I make a lot of them all 
the time. What's a misspelled work or...  between friends? ;-)

Take care.
Sincererly yours.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Hallow <wchal...@verizon.net>
To: legacy-ornamental-mills@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 10:25:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: More Google Changes

Sorry for my senior moment slip.  No matter how often I proof read, I still get 
it wrong.  The correct procedure is to press the "Control Key" {Ctrl} and the 
"C" key at the same time. There is no Copy Key on my keyboard either.  You will 
not see anything happen on the screen when you do this, but the copy will be 
stored in the computer.  I should also mention that I do not use full screen 
display on the monitor. I use about a 3/4 size screen.  This allows me to keep 
more than one program running and switch back and forth by keeping one program 
to the left and one to the right on the screen.  Then simply click on the 
program that you want to work on.  Each program screen is 3/4 size, so they 
overlap with the active program displayed on top.   After you have done the 
copy routine in the original, click on the word processor screen.  If the 
(paste special) option is grayed out, the copy

didn't take, so go back and re-do.
In my first message I didn't touch on photos, drawings and such.  Pictures, 
drawings, or anything else can be copied directly from the computer screen 
using the windows built in copying tool called "Snipping Tool" which takes a 
picture of whatever portion of the screen that you wish.  I will write that 
procedure for you later if you wish.
My wife, Terry passed away this week after an eight year battle with cancer.  
Please remember her in your prayers.  Thanks.

From: Tim Krause <artmarb...@comcast.net>
To: legacy-ornamental-mills@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tue, October 19, 2010 9:20:11 PM
Subject: Re: More Google Changes

Hi Bill, 
Is that "Copy Key" the same as the "Any Key".   I'm guessing you meant ctrl-c 
for a copy?  I'm aware of the plain text paste in most programs.  I develop in 
Dreamweaver for what it's worth. 
The real problem once overcoming the excessive html, menu links, date lines, 
too many to and froms and repeated replies etc. is when I have for example 
three pages of a detailed tip and following banter and questions and then a 
merry christmas greeting thrown in that turns into another fully unrelated but 
important topic all in one message thread.  I feel the information should be 
boiled down and put into one comprehensive thread.  Then things get further 
complicated when images are involved.   Each image needs to be individually 
downloaded by selecting the photo and saving it to my hard drive and then 
putting it in with the text where it makes sense.  
To make it rougher, our messages are not referenced by numbers but by subjects 
and googles search is often screwed up.  It can be hard to find the message 
when I need to again.  Some days the search only goes back 6 months, other days 
it does not work at all, and then there are days it works perfect but answers 
to question were spread over three different subject lines.  All of this is 
very time consuming to make a simple tip page for a quick review.  I'm not 
complaining about the amount of work, I'm just not going to make any promises 
about getting it done anytime soon.   
I did manage to find a utility that would scrape the message base for images, 
but it got me kicked off of google for a brief period of time.  It's against 
google usage policy to use automated software.  That was fun :-).

----- Original Message ----- 
From:Bill Hallow
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: More Google Changes


In the past I had a lot of work re-formatting text when I pulled stuff off of 
the web, but then I came across a tip from PC Magazine.  Usually I am coping 
large sections of information. I do the standard "hold the mouse key down and 
drag" to highlight the section that I want to copy. hen I carefully press the 
"Control key" and "Copy key" at the same time. Then I bring up my word 
processor.  In the word processor, I am using Word Perfect, the trick is to not 
use the standard copy technique. Instead, select "Edit", then "Paste Special", 
then "Unformatted Text". The copied text will copy without any unwanted format.

 Yes it is a lot of key strokes, but it sure beats all of the re-formatting.


From: Tim <artmarb...@comcast.net>
To: Legacy Ornamental Mills <legacy-ornamental-mills@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, October 19, 2010 5:06:52 PM
Subject: More Google Changes

This is so awesome, it's almost becoming comical at this point!  A new
notice from Google on our home page shows the "Welcome" message will
be going away in January.  This is on top of the no files or user
created web pages.

I know at the moment I can pin messages so that disclaimers and
general information about the group will always show on the top of the
message list.  This is only effective for people who read the messages
on Google site.  I think that is only about 20% of our membership.
Now that the files and

gallery are gone there is very little reason to
visit the main site.

I'm still in the process of building ornamentalmills.com.  It is a
very slow process as there is no way to export our groups messages
other than manually copy and pasting them individually.  Then the
messages that are copied need to be reformatted and combined for web
viewing.  It's a real time consuming thing.  So, please have

Don't worry about this group disappearing, I have a few back up plans
if we need to move our little community.  As of today, that well over
200 members.


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