the front mount template follower picture is not the one that I wanted to send, 
Its an older picture, but the idea shows the possibilities.
The photos that I just took I cant figure out how to get them off the camera 
and onto my computer files at this min. I will send some more pictures when my 
wife get home tomorrow.
I will check back in latter this evening. 
Until then, Have a good night.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: curt george 
  To: Legacy Google group 
  Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:15 PM
  Subject: Legacy Spindle Motor

  Hello Everyone. I have a new toy that I wanted to share with you all.

  Its not a new idea, Legacy originally used this type of motor set up on there 
Wood Chuck milling system back in the early 1990's and latter again used it on 
there Larger Models 2000-2200.
  What I've done was to adapt a motor and a pulley onto the indexing 
shaft,(head stock.)
  My set up is pretty simple, I use a hinges and a piece of  uni-sturt with 
some pipe clamps to hold my motor, Gravity and some lead weights are all that 
is needed to keep enough pressure on the belt so I can use it.
  Let me say first, I am Really liking this motor! 
  The Quality of my spindles finish are the finest that I have ever done on my 
machine with out sanding, ("O" ,I forgot to state,This motor also lets me sand 
on my machine as well.But more on that latter.)
  By speeding up the movement of the spindle, I can slow down the movement of 
the carriage, Letting me get the finest cuts that I've ever seen off my machine.
  The motor also lets me turn spindle form a templates so much easer and faster 
than what I have ever done before. (cutting form the side.)
  Now the motor that I have is a high speed motor with a rheostat to control 
the speed of the spindle, but honestly a much slower motor would most likely 
work as well.(something like 100 rpm should due nicely.) 
  I will now send you some pictures, If anyone has any comments of questions 
Please ask. (I have a lot more to add to my statements, but You all know what 
they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. And I don't want to bog down my 
system. )  ;-)
  So here we go. Please let me know what you think.

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