Before LOMs came on the horizon I dreamed of turning items with a 1/4 turn 
twist, like table legs, stretchers, canes, etc.  More recently I have 
dreamed of "checkering" a 1-1/4" cylinder for wooden handles. In between 
there is the possibility of cutting wood threads, internal and external. 
I've been trying to educate myself on how to discover the ratios needed to 
make something like this happen on LOM REVO.  So the specs I used were a 
maximum 40" length of twist and all of the 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 2 .... 10 
pitches.  For checkering, there are several densities including the most 
common of 16 -21 lpi and several common angles of intersection ranging from 
30° to 90­°. Putting this all together in a spread sheet containing the 
gear charts I've come across and the formulas to calculate what's not 
charted, I've found that the range of ratios is ENORMOUS! For example, a 
40" workpiece with a 1/4 twist takes a net ratio of 640:1 and a 21 LPI 
pattern at 60° on a 1.213" diameter cylinder takes a .8202 pitch of cut.  
That's if I've done the math correctly.  

What this leads to is a lengthy wish list of gear combinations, even if 
peeled down to more common situations.  And I don't have the .25 or 2X, 
even 4X gear sets. How many banks do I have to rob to get one or more of 
these if available?  I foresee using a nest of double gears.  I need to 
study more about what "Group A", "Group B", and "Group C" means. And how 
the workpiece pitches were calculated from the gear combos.  Any hints?

So, realistically, CNC is the "logical" solution, but no one has recently 
accused me of being logical. Increasing the pitch of the lead screw isn't 
all that helpful 


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