Hi everyone,
I've been studying all the related pitch information I can find and have 
accumulated this into a condensed spreadsheet workbook with four sheets for 
my use with the REVO.  I struggled to understand how the various pitches 
were arrived at until I finally reduced it to basic specifications:  number 
of teeth on the gears (sprockets) in the train.  The posted charts make so 
many (reasonable) assumptions, that it was difficult to find the gear 
combinations to make an unlisted pitch. So I rebuilt the charts using 
formulas and can now instantly find the results using any pitch drive screw 
and any (standard) gear combination. Custom ones will be added as needed.  
Adding to the confusion was that different legacy machines used different 
combinations and not all are interchangeable. The charts were short on 
documentation what applied where.  

I was driven to do this because of a hand plane I'm restoring.  It's a 
wooden one with fancy wooden threaded fence adjustment which was missing.  
I tried using my 3/4" thread box but the cutter was dull and after several 
hours fettling the thing, gave up because I could not make it cut clean 
threads in old cherry, no matter what tricks I tried, like soaking in oil, 
wax, and various other techniques. It was just too brittle.  I want PERFECT 
threads and realized I have a PERFECT thread cutting machine...the REVO. 
I've used the metal lathe to cut threads in my urn, but why not make the 
REVO cut threads of all sizes and pitches?  And while I'm at it, fine 
checker some stuff. Or quarter turn 30" ribbons.  

So guess what?  A 3/4 - 6 is "standard" wood thread but the REVO did not 
come with 1/6" pitch capability.  After reworking the sheets Bill and 
others have posted, I quickly narrowed the search to a  "C" drive gear 
driving a "fine gear package" idler set against the standard index gear. 
See what I mean?  I can't take that description to a laser cutter without 
being laughed out of the shop. So my sheet will tell me number of teeth on 
each gear in the train so if I need a custom one, I'll have the specs at 

Now the problem is to find a "standard" solution, a "C" gear and the "fine 
gear package".  Any hints?  


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