Hi Cathy,

You're right about these bugs - I simply cannot reproduce the effect. I have tried on my existing file and also re-entered the relevant data into a fresh db and still no luck. I will contact you direct and attach a copy of the print out and details as to how I entered all the stuff and perhaps we can work out where the difference lies.

This will be much later on though as I need a beer!


Ron Ferguson


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Reply-To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Desc. Narrative problem
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 15:42:40 +0800

Hi Ron,
Again, I've entered some of the family as shown on your website - and again can produce the problem with the Descendant Narrative report with the child-parent relationship attaching to the wrong people. I didn't think I could see it in my own file but when I checked the same situation with biological father of child not entered, there it was.

There are other conditions where it doesn't happen. If I close and reopen Legacy and run the report from Richard Pilkington, all is well. Close the preview and the report and then go back into the report and run it again, and the problem is there. <sigh> These bugs that come and go are the worst.

I do use Opera as my main browser so I may have let you know I couldn't see the drop down menus. I can now.


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