Using Legacy 6.0 & 20 Jan 2006 Build

When I and a number of other users reported this problem several years ago it was put on the "to be fixed list," but the anomaly is still in existence. I searched the list archives but did not find anything on the resolution of this issue.

Whenever I enter information in parentheses at the end of a source detail statement Legacy inserts a period after the statement and before the parentheses. For example I enter : Samuel Alden, register number 251 (1889). What I get in the source preview screen and in print is: Samuel Alden, register number 251.(1889). I don't get the unwanted period if I use brackets rather than parentheses; however, brackets have an entirely different connotation in genealogy.

I have many sources similar to the above where there are no page numbers. The data is set out by register numbers within a one-year period. I prefer to have the year set off by parentheses for clarity and emphasis. There are times when I wish to enter other data in parentheses at the end of the statement as well.

Is there something I should be doing differently to eliminate the superfluous period (other than a redo of hundreds of source detail sentences)?

Kay Fordham

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