I just received a message from you to the Legacy list that was about 9000 KB. I don't know what it contained because I had to go to my server and delete it to stop the download. I have dial-up so I would appreciate it if you would be more careful in the future and not send something this size to the list. I hope that your problem is resolved regarding Legacy crashing soon.

Best regards,
Beth G.

RoadRoy wrote:
Recently, I think beginning with upgrading to version <> my main data file crashes and become non responding. The first visable observation is that the program stops functioning and the top tool bar of the Legacy Family view goes blank and turns white.After a few moments, the top left of the screen displays Legacy - [Leggitt] Not Responding. If at that moment I bring up the Windows Task Manager it shows two instances of Legacy, both Non Responding. After exiting the Task Manager I click on the upper right corner X and the End Program - Leggacy, This program is not responding dialog box appears. If I click on End Now, after a few moments the normal Legacy program reappears. Sometimes it is responsive and sometimes not. I had a little over 14,000 individuals in the Leggitt database. I exported and removed about two thousand individuals into two separate data files. Both of those new database files appear to function properly. However, the remaining Leggitt database still malfunctions as before. Any help would certainly be appreciated.

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