I found a little bug today - I am adding a bunch of notes to the
Research tab of a relative and placing them in the [[privacy
brackets]]. When I copy and paste something into the double brackets,
click on save, and return to the notes, a space has been added before
the [[ at the beginning of the line. I checked and there were no extra
spaces in the line above. I am pasting large formatted text into the
line, closing it, and reopening it to find it in the standard small
Legacy text font that I use for notes.

This is part of what is in my research notes:

[[Irish Flax Growers, 1796 - Dogherty James Cloone Leitrim]]
[[Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - xx
Doherty Peter Drumharkan Glebe Cloone Leitrim
Doherty Michael Drumharkan Glebe Cloone Leitrim
Doherty John Drumharkan Glebe Cloone Leitrim
Doherty James Sunnagh Beg Cloone Leitrim
Doherty Eliza Drumharkan Glebe Cloone Leitrim]]

Where I have the xx above, insert the first line that says "Griffiths
Valuation of Ireland" from the web site
http://www.failteromhat.com/post1845.php . Save the Notes then reopen
them. An extra space appears before the [[ in that line. (It also
happened when I copied the header "Irish Flax Growers, 1796" from
another similar web site to the line above.)

Can anyone reproduce or explain?
Susan Daily

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