You might be able to fix this by editing at the gedcom level - if tediously. In principle, you would export to a gedcom (giving it a precautionary different name), open that in any text editor which handles the file size and has "Search and Replace", then locate each duplicate and delete it. This is time consuming because you have to visit each occurrence of a photograph, but you go directly to each one and don't miss any. This also assumes that the problem is not something exotic, but if it is, looking at the gedcom should give information which higher grade help can use to better advise you.

I used the Sample family file from Legacy 6, as that has graphics, exported it as a gedcom and right clicked it so I could force Wordpad to open it. I've copied a fragment below. The numbers denote the levels of each line and the next group, in capitals, is a Tag. I used OBJE(space) for my search, but if you know your photos are in only one or two folders, the best choice would be the file folder name and enough of the path to ensure uniqueness, e.g. "iles\Legacy\Pictures\". Looking at the fragment below, the last line of the preceding record has a level of 2 and a CAUS (cause) tag. The next record starts at the same level and is a SOURce one. Depending from it at level 3 is an OBJEct one, with a further subordinate description on level 4 that its FORM is a jpg file and the FILE is named C:\Program Files\Legacy\Pictures\sample - 1957 Oct 09 letter to Virginia Larsen from Mabel Hilton.jpg. The rest of the data for this Source record is on the lines below until the level pops back up to level 2 or above, in this case at the beginning of the next Source record. Your gedcom must have some duplication which repeats the file designation, probably with some or possibly all of the surrounding lines. Hopefully, the fix will be obvious or you will be able to post a snippet which will get you better advice - perhaps even some magic from someone expert with regular expressions. Feel free to contact me offline and I'll help if I can, but this computer is in deep trouble with hardware problems so I may go dark quite soon..


2 CAUS Heart disease
2 SOUR @S23@
3 PAGE page 2
3 QUAY 3
4 FORM jpg
4 FILE C:\Program Files\Legacy\Pictures\sample - 1957 Oct 09 letter to Virginia Larsen from Mabel Hilton.jpg
4 TITL Letter
4 NOTE Letter from Mabel Hilton to Virginia Larsen.  You may trans
5 CONC cribe the contents of the letter here if desired.
4 _DATE 9 Oct 1957
2 SOUR @S25@

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