Just as a matter of information.  It takes very little for someone to steal
identity and yes there have been cases where it was taken from genealogy
databases.  I have a brother and his wife that had to cancel credit cards
and close out all personal and business accounts.  They own three funeral
homes so you can imagine the mess.  It stemmed from a phone call he received
and the FBI told him that the only thing needed was a name and the rest
anyone can get.  In his case, answering the phone, verified his phone number
and the name associated with that phone number.  He was one of 30 in the
State of Texas targeted and he was the only one that came out relatively
unscathed so far.  

So, I will do what I can.  It has always been a practice in the genealogical
arena to NOT list names of the living.  That is why Legacy has that feature
built in.

As to the laws about privacy.....yes the 4th amendment addresses certain
things, but that amendment has had many additional laws applied and some
privacy laws change from state to state and definitely from country to

To the woman married to the lawyer.....in the United States, if you publish
a "tell all" book using the names of the living without permission, YES you
can be sued.  Ask your attorney husband or talk to a reputable publishing
house.  I have dealt with publishers.  Being married to an attorney doesn't
make a spouse an expert.

Enough of my rant.  Just use common courtesy and don't list names of the
living if you don't have their permission.  Use the features Legacy has for
a reason.

Now I will go back to my customary "lurking" and learning from you fine
folks on here.  It is still the best software on the market and the best
list when you need help.  It may be off topic, but something as serious as
this is dealing with a feature of Legacy.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2007 10:33 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] ? Living Relatives

I wish folks would break the urban myth of genealogy is an invasion  of 
privacy in the US.

Here is a decent explanation of Federal privacy laws. Basically, the 
fourth amendment is in place so the government and employers do not 
wiretap you without reason, enter your home without reason, etc.

ps. I'm not an attorney but I do work in law enforcement and spend 
countless hours in the courtroom listening to various cases.

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