Thanks again Renee for the sneak peek into L7.

I am so glad you asked about being able to create our own source templates. This alone will be worth the upgrade at whatever price will be set.

As Sherry stated earlier UTF8 will come with the VB.NET rewrite which I am glad to hear is already being looked at / worked on. I'll bet this will be version L8 or Legacy 2010. Has a nice science fiction ring to it :)

I'm hot and cold on as a consumer because I will have to upgrade any old equipment to run the bloated software. I'm can be fairly certain that is why this new version of Legacy is not yet running on .net has been out for a while now and it comes with many issues to programmers. Legacy may lose a few older customers who can not afford an upgrade of equipment to run such a beast...I will not bore anyone with the details as those who program know exactly what I am talking about.

The new FTM2008, which I previewed, runs on the .net framework and there is all kinds of problems with it. It locks up and runs painfully slow on MS Vista and I have more that the required ram and processor speed. I have 2gb of ram and an AMD dual processor that smokes running XP and Linux with no problem. Without getting into details, trust me in that I say my hardware surpasses MS on paper requrements for Vista. I honestly do not think FTM will convert it's old timers right away and a few may jump ship to the new Legacy or hold out using their current version of FTM. If Legacy released a .net program right now they would have a lot of angry customers and I'm sure they are aware of this. Just sign up to the FTM mailing list and feel the heat :)

BTW - I wiped Vista off one of my computers because it's slow and IMHO is a dumbed down version of XP with window dressing added. I honestly tried it and IMHO it is still in beta status.

To the legacy gurus and owners--I personally am hoping for a future rewrites of Legacy as modular using excellent and proven web based open sourced languages and tools that have great track records. Bugs being fixed fairly quickly due to a large community of programmers. Just wishful thinking on my part. I'm not meaning to bash MS as it has been good to me with XP over the years but I personally would like less bloat and more function with both Windows and Legacy code. MS has chosen the bloated path and many programs unfortunately are forced to follow suit.

Sorry to go off on a tangent....

Thanks again Renee for your report.


ps. I will gladly be a beta tester on the platform of Legacy if you want someone who will give brutal honesty :)

Renee Zamora wrote:
Here is the second part of my Sneak Peek of Legacy 7. Renee Zamora <>

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