And as a software developer (not of Legacy) I have another point.

I used to work on manufacturing software.  One day, while working on a new
feature in one of our software packages, I discovered a gigantic bug in
another programmer's work.  I realized immediately, that the bug could,
under the right conditions, cause a piece of machinery to turn on for a
microsecond when it shouldn't.... possibly repeatedly.  The conditions were
fairly rare - but depending on what was turned on, and what the process was,
it could be dangerous (maybe even fatal if there was a person.)    The bug
had been in the software for at least a year, and nobody had reported the

I immediately fixed the program, and we put out a patch.  The bug fix
description fully indicated the problem, and the patch was marked as a
required, urgent patch.

1 year or 2 later, a customer support agent came running up to talk to us.
Our most major client on that project had just had one of their
manufacturing chambers BLOW UP.  (1 room, no people in it, no injuries or
anything.)   I had the customer support agent have them check which patches
were installed.....  and yup - they had NOT installed the patch.  (The
client did appologize for getting angry with us when we pointed out the
patch notice and description.)   Some plants were shy to install patches
because of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" feeling - which I can
understand in manufacturing........ it is just, sometimes you don't realize
it is broke until catastrophe occurs!

So, I generally apply patches pretty quick, realizing that new bugs might be
introduced too.  I try to get a feeling for what is fixed, and I try to get
a feel what people are saying - I make backups, and re-install.  I generally
have an install file of an earlier version (maybe not the more recent
one.... it depends) in case something comes up that is going to greatly
affect me....

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