Cathy Champion wrote:
To the group:
I am new to this group and am wondering why so many people on this list are so cranky.

1) Possibly because there are so many who have a proprietary feeling about the list, believing it is THEIR list. <g>

It makes me hesitate to ask questions for fear of getting a rude reply.

2) Do not hesitate, the delete key cures all rudeness.

For instance, I was interested in the posts about trimming emails and the difference about top and bottom posting. I'm on a couple of lists that pitch a fit if you don't trim them, and sometimes I forget and they yell at me (sniff, sniff). Using the two dashes in my signature line will remedy this breach of email etiquette for me very nicely.

3) Again a feeling of propriety. It is my computer so I will do as I please. The responses to your email evidence this.

  I think, perhaps, part of the problem is that people either don't read the post 
carefully, or it's written so poorly (one long sentence, no punctuation and typos that 
make NO sense) that the question is misunderstood.  I think we need to take a chill pill 
and SLOW DOWN.  My father's favorite phrase comes to mind here:  "Don't get your 
underwear in a bundle."

4) Aside from some truly giving and helpful people on this list (thank you BTW Ron) there are also a large number of people who feel they deserve an immediate and full answer and explanation to their question with out considering that it may not have a quick, easy or favorable answer.

  I usually lurk, but am trying to decide if Legacy is the program I really 
want, so I will probably be asking a lot of DUMB questions.  If this irritates 
you, please hit the delete key instead of being mean and I will appreciate it 
Thank you.

5) There are also the people who are getting frustrated at the number of people who either refuse to read or refuse to follow Legacy User Group guidelines which can be found at: Of all the lists I belong to this certainly has the highest percentage of users who violate the rules on a regular basis. I am not talking of newbies who transgress once but err no more when advised. I am talking of repeat offenders. Some listers do get somewhat testy and post sharp replies. As for myself, I keep a list of those repeat offenders and when they post a question to which I have the answer, they will never know. Much more elegant than a nasty reply.

This gist of it all is, this list is what it is. A FREE resource to be used or ignored, users choice, warts and all. If one plays by the rules and makes judicious use of the delete key it is a useful and enjoyable resource. If you allow the whiners to upset you, you loose a great family of cousins.

Just my 2c worth.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox.


Yes my delete key is ready for the flamers!  <VBG>

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