Save the Color Scheme on your desktop with a name distinctive for you (in Options > Customise - Colours) and copy the resulting .lcs file to your laptop and choose that Colour Scheme there. If the Living Indicator colour hasn't transferred with the .usr file then you'll need to adjust that as well in Options > Customise - Data Format Tab


At 04:56 AM 30/08/2007, you wrote:

What a timely thread! I was just preparing to ask a question concerning

I recently had a total system crash on my laptop, had to reformat and
reinstall ALL my software programs, Legacy being one of them. Fortunately
my DATA was on an external HD so there was no loss there....whew!

I'd previously inquired of the list how to transfer all the preferences
tweaked over time using Legacy on my DESKTOP machine to my laptop instead
of trying to figure all of them out. I got a nice reply from *Cathy
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* explaining about the 'Legacy.usr' file.

I copied that file from the desktop to the laptop and thought I was back
in business. However, in showing my daughter some information from the
laptop a day or two ago I noticed the COLOR scheme on the Laptop is NOT
the same as that on the Desktop machine.

Color/pattern preferences/schemes must be stored in a seperate .USR file
other than this Legacy.usr file. Which .usr file contains these
preferences so that I can load that file on to my laptop and have
EVERYTHING look the same on both machines?



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