I thought you might pick on those which comes from a lack of knowledge of the 
granting of peerages in the UK. Inheritable titles are granted with letters 
patent which specify to whom a title shall pass on the event of the death of 
the title holder, this is not necessarily the eldest son.

The articles relating to peerages in adoption law serve only to confirm the 
historic letters patent ie. to ensure that they were not overridden by 
amendment to the Acts.

Ron Ferguson

For Genealogy, Software and Social visit:
*Over 650 Surnames from 11 Countries*
View the Grimshaw Family Tree at:
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> To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Adopted Daughter unmarried mother
> Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 11:20:20 -0400
> You'll note that I never used the term "English Law"... however-
> There are three specific instances under British law that required
> different treatment of adoptees from biological children.
> 1) No adoptee can ever inherit the crown
> 2) No adoptee can ever inherit a Title or Peerage
> 3) No adoptee can ever inherit the rank of Baronet
> Granted these are somewhat archaic but it is the law- thus making the
> posters statement that by law adoptees are always treated the same as
> biological childern an untrue statement.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ronald ferguson 
> To: legacyusergroup@legacyfamilytree.com
> Sent: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 3:48 am
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Adopted Daughter unmarried mother
> As a Brit, I would like to know in what way the "English Law" (which
> btw doesn't
> exist) adoptees are treated differently. At one time they could only
> inherit
> from the adoptive parents if specifically willed the inheritance, but
> this is no
> longer true.
> Over here children do not get a new birth certificate on adoption.
> Ron Ferguson
> _____________________________________________________________________
> For Genealogy, Software and Social visit:
> http://www.fergys.co.uk
> *Over 650 Surnames from 11 Countries*
> View the Grimshaw Family Tree at:
> http://www.fergys.co.uk/Grimshaw/
> For The Fergusons of N.W. England See:
> http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/fergys/
> _____________________________________________________________________
>> To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Adopted Daughter unmarried mother
>> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 20:30:22 -0400
>> This is an over generalization that is simply not true.
>> I can name off the top of my head 10 western european countries that,
>> by law, require adoptees be treated differently than others within
>> their adoptive families.
>> Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, England, Luxemburg, Leichenstein, The
>> Netherlands, Belgium, and Monaco.

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