My best advice on sources is to download the trial version of The Master Genealogist v6.12 and make copies of their source templates. I've found them a wonderful guide to organizing sources. I just copied them off and made a mini-manual that I keep on my desk.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny M Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 5:42 am
Subject: [LegacyUG] Just Clarifying - Publication and Repository

I'm torn between being utterly fed up with all the Sourcing discussions and finding them really helpful! 
Something someone has just said elsewhere in LUG has made me realise that I have been rather inconsistent with some of mine and I'd be grateful for some opinions from LUGgers. 
I have no problem with understanding that if the Source is, for example, a Book then the Publication details are the name  of the publisher, where it's published, the date of publication and the Repository might be a Library where you borrowed the book. 
But what about Websites? For Birth Indexes, for example, I have been putting GRO details in Publication Facts and the URL of FreeBMD or Ancestry, as appropriate, on the Repository tab because that is where I have located the information. Then I wanted to quote a single page of a website as a Source. I have put the name of the website as Title, the people who wrote the page as Authors ... and I'd put the URL in as Publication Facts because that's where the material was published. But the URL is also the "address" of where this information is to be found, so perhaps should be in Repository. Or should it be in both places? 
-- Jenny M Benson 
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