Thanks Cathy and Kirsten!!

My final method will likely be a variation of both your methods!


>Hi Cathy and Kirsten:
>Thank you for both your replies! I am going to look into your header 
>use and
>* methods.
>One more question, and I promise to let this thread drop (LOL I know I 
>wander into OT Land a lot).
>When transcribing, do you transcribe as is (all the "'s and do's) or do 
>you fill in more of what you know? Meaning:
>World Ave., William Miller, male/63 years, baker, yes [born in GLS]
>"   ", Shirley  do, female/60 years, do, no [not born in OFX], (blank) [not
>born in SCT, IRL, or Foreign Parts]
>World Ave., William Miller, male/63 years, baker, yes [born in GLS] 
>World Ave., Shirley Miller, female/60 years, baker, no [not born in 
>(blank) [not born in SCT, IRL, or Foreign Parts]
>The second looks cleaner to me (and I do have a scan of the census 
>attached), while the first is truer to the original document.
>Kirsten you've sort of already answered this in a private e-mail, but 
>wanted to include you too.

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