TH wrote
I'm not sure if Legacy included these marriage status choices or if
they imported from Family Tree Make, but I would appreciate someone
clearly defining what the intended use is and would appreciate some
examples for the use of each to be cited:
I don't know where the options came from, but I would have thought their
use was fairly obvious. "Friends" implies people who were living
together without any sort of formal "declaration" or intention of a
long-term relationship. "Partners" implies people who have made a
declaration or intend a long-term relationship or who consider
themselves (and are considered by others) to be, to all intents and
purposes a "married" couple but without the marriage ceremony.
Unmarried implies a (probably fleeting or never formalised) relationship
where the person did not live with anyone but produced a child.
That's my interpretation, anyway.
Jenny M Benson
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