J B Coats wrote:
Hi Allen

I am using XP [regular]

Am looking forward to your posting a 'how to' use the ftp routine to create a virtual web drive for quick/easy way to upload Legacy created web pages.

The current routine with freepages on rootsweb involves doing it one page at a time. Extremely laborous for the Legacy pedigree created output.


The only way I have found to map an internet drive to my PC is with a program called netdrive. While it has worked for me with other sites, when I tried it with freepages on rootsweb it crashed my computer EVERY time, causing a total reboot. I have to conclude that rootsweb doesn't like to play nice with net drive.

If all you wish to do is upload multiple pages, or even an entire web site, at once then use an ftp client. That is what I use for freepages at rootsweb and it has woked well for me. I use FileZilla, a free program. As this is getting to be off topic for the Legacy group you can contact me off list for help.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox.

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