   Hopefully someone can help. I am a new Legacy (approx. 1 month). My problem 
has to do with moving locations.

While going through and merging/correcting my master locations list I chose to 
remove non locations that were occupations and such. I chose to move them to 
the description field and out of the master location list totally.

My problem is .... I have a Rootsweb world connect database and now that I have 
updated roots web with a gedcom produced from my new Legacy file, the "non 
locations" such as occupations that I moved from the locations list no longer 
show up and are blank. I believe this has to do with the move I made.

For example: my file would read:


instead of 

Occupation: Farmer

Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this problem? My file has 
over 40,000 individuals, too many to go through individually and fix.



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