I will give it to you in a nutshell :)

A lumper is someone who would enter a marriage certificate this way...

The source would be Marriage License
Then in the DETAILS you would record something like
Lamar County, Mississippi marriage license #3005, Book C, page 42, 11 Dec 1910, 
John Doe and Jane Smith

If you are a lumper you have a lot fewer sources. Your marriage license source 
might have 50 different marriage licenses recorded

If you are a splitter then your source would look something like this...

Marriage license of John Doe and Jane Smith, Lamar County, Mississippi, 11 Dec 
1910, #3005, book C, page 42
you wouldn't have to add a detail at all.  Everything you need is in the source 

Each marriage license would an individual source.  So, splitters have many, 
many more sources than lumpers.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods.  Many people use a 
combo of the two to best serve their needs.


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