
There is absolutely nothing wrong with your thinking. This is your hobby and interests - don't ever let anybody tell you what you should or shouldn't be including. It's up to you to determine your limits.

Looking at the case you mentioned of the family of the wife of your great uncle. If I found the wife's family in a census, I would go and enter that family's details into my database, but I wouldn't likely research them any further than that. The reason I'd enter them in is that it is a lot easier to identify the family in other censuses if you have identified the children and their relative ages, etc. But I wouldn't go looking for b/m/d information on them, etc.

So, for me, while I may add these names to the database (and unlike someone suggested, I do validate the relationships), they don't all get researched to the same degree as other names in the database if that makes sense. But that's my choice. I also see your point about being creating too much clutter in adding names that you have no intention of researching any further.


Claire Spinelli wrote:
I appreciate everyone's input. I think my "problem" is that I get hooked on someone and want to know everything I can about them. Obviously, it's not really a problem - I just enjoy it. For instance, my great-grandmother's brother left Germany in 1876 to attend NYU Medical School. First of all, I thought that was a rather amazing thing to do, and secondly, I learned this while my youngest son was a student at NYU. Is that karma? So, I spent months learning everything I could about him (including a messy little court case involving an illegal abortion). If anybody wants to know what the curriculum was at NYU Medical School in the 1870's - just ask me! At any rate, I really feel like I KNOW this man, which is what I love about the hobby. So, I'll be content with growing my little database one ancestor at a time - each of which is meticulously sourced, by the way. :)


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