I was looking at your steps, and they don't quite match Descendants
Narrative reports.

When you click on Report Options, you click on a tab called Sources.
There you select "Print Source Options". I don't see the
--> following selections, i.e. "Include source details on source
citations on reports" etc.

And I don't see reset buttons that follow "that choice."

Generally speaking, the reset button on the lower right hand side
under "Report Settings" resets all the checkboxes to the default. So
if you are selecting something, and then pressing reset, you lost that

Please let me know where these options are that you are talking about,
and I will try to reproduce the problem.
p.s. Your email didn't have any Legacy-added stuff at the bottom! How
did that happen?

On 1/18/08, frankanedc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What am I doing wrong?
> I am trying to minimize source cites in a descendant narrative by
> suppressing source detail citations.    I have gone to Customize/Sources and
> checked "Include source citations on report" and unchecked all the following
> selections, i.e. "Include source details on source citations on reports"
> etc.   Then I hit the Reset button following that choice.   Nevertheless,
> the report produces a separate citation for each time the source is used,
> showing the distinct detail cites.

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