Cathy wrote:
This would find Individuals that have a Death Place, not a list of those locations.

Like Ron, I don't think it can be done in Legacy.

The closest would be to export people with a death place to a new file and do a location report but that would be messy picking out the death places. You could simplify it by exporting just a basic gedcom so you

At 01:27 AM 23/01/2008, you wrote:

Try this:
Go to Search>>Find (or just press CTRL-F).
Set the following:
Look for whom? = Individual
Where to look? = Death Place
How to look? = Not Equal To
What to look for? = ""   (Nothing)

Barbara Ford wrote:
Is it possible to generate a list of all Places of Death? If so, how?

After doing the search as described, export only those people to a gedcom. Then download GEDxlate Lite from This program will convert the gedcom to an excel (or access) file with just thefields you want included. Include the death location field, open in excel and sort on the death location field. It is fairly quick and very easy.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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