I have this one person which was christened 'Anton Marius Sorensen'
(documented in the Church records). His father and well as 5 generations
before him was christened using both a patronymic name plus the family name
Vinther. As an adult Anton emigrated from Denmark to USA, and in the Ellis
Island Passenger lists he listed his name as Anton Marius Winther and that's
what he called him self for the rest of his life in US. All his children in
all the US records I have found were named Winther.

Whether the reason for the missing Vinther at Anton's christening was due to
a clerical error or some other reason I don't know, but there is no doubt
that Anton perceived him self as a Vinther. Therefore I'm inclined to set
his primary name as Anton Marius Winther, and his christening name as an AKA

Any views on this are very welcome.

Erik P. Vinther

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