Hi Barbara,
I'll answer your second question. If you click on View-Childrens List,
you can highlight a child, then select a Child Status for them. I
select Twin. (If it isn't a default, you can make a new entry called
Twin.) Next, you can search for Individual - Child Status - Equal to

I'm not sure what a Birth Fact is. Do you mean Birth Notes, or did you
create an event called Birth Fact? If it is an event, you could search
for event description or event notes "contains" "twin". If it is in
the Birth Notes,then you can search Individual - Notes-Birth -
contains - twin.


On 2/6/08, Barbara Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I have listed Twin as a Birth Fact, is there a way to search for
> all twins in my file (there are many)? If not, is there a way to
> document that someone is a twin in such a way that they can all be
> located?
> Thank you,
> Barbara

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