
Based on my knowledge of nFS as a current user, I have some questions and 
concerns about the capabilities requested below. Both are related to the fact 
that nFS uses a totally different process than most researchers are familiar 
with, and which can get them into trouble if they do not understand it.

First, in nFS, individuals that are in there as duplicate records are 
"combined" into a folder-like system, not merged as we do in our personal 
databases. Each original record is maintained and has an ID number. When 
records are combined, a new record is created along with a new ID number. Since 
other users can work on the combining and uncombining (sometimes in error BTW), 
it seems that the ID numbers will be a shifting target. If I record an ID today 
and then combine a record to create a new ID. it seems the first ID has 
diminished value.

Second, The process of downloading entire pedigrees seems fraught with 
potential for complications. Using one of my ancestors for an example, his 
record is currently composed of 109 combined records, many with differing 
information, including three different sets of parents. There are dozens more 
potential duplicates whch are not yet combined. If I were to start with myself 
and request a gedcom download of my pedigree, which of those (currently) 109 
records should be the software choose, or should it simply include all 109, 
leaving me with a massive merge job? And would it include the two bogus sets of 
parents and their continuing lines? Far better it seems to me is a 
synchronization process, where existing local data is compared to nFS on a 
record-by-record basis and the user chooses which record and/or conflicting 
data to bring over. That would be in contrast to an  en mass gedcom transfer as 
seems to be indicated below.

I realize you want to wait to give specifics, but it would be nice to know 
generally how you intend to deal with those difficulties.

Gary Templeman

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Geoff Rasmussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Yes, this will all be possible. We'll elaborate more in the near future. 
> Thanks, 
> Geoff Rasmussen 
> Millennia Corporation 
> -----Original Message----- 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 5:09 AM 
> To: 
> Subject: [LegacyUG] I.D. Number 
> In using the, can one put the "Person Identifier" in 
> the "User I.D." for Legacy? How will this work in Legacy 7? Do we know? 
> In 
> Legacy 7 will there be a way to "Gedcom" everything over from the 

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