
Thanks for your reply, how I managed to completely zap the themes option I
don't know, but I love the defaults and see I'm going to have a lot of fun
setting up my own.

Regarding the tiling I think I didn't explain myself properly.
I only seem to have problems with the "tall" charts.
I'm using one of my photos as a background. Centre with no stretching,
centre and stretch and stretch to frame all work as expected.
When I switch to tile the photo is repeated twice vertically, but with half
of the photo disappearing off the frame horizontally.

I suspect this is normal behaviour, and perhaps for the tall charts there
needs to be resizing of the background so it will tile appropriately? It
would be nice if this was an auto function of the program (of course!)

Really, big congratulations to the whole dev. team, the more I play with it
the more I like it, from ease of first use to the level of customisation
possible with a simple execution. This really bodes well for the whole v7
package :)


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Geoff
Sent: mercredi 5 mars 2008 16:41
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Charting Pre-Release Edition Now Available
For Free Download


Regarding the tiling of background pictures - when you click on the
Background button (on the Appearance tab), try the Stretch to Frame option
in the Display options. This will stretch the image to the entire chart.

Using the Themes button on the Appearance tab you can create/save templates.

We'll try to enhance the zooming, I, too, would like to see what you


Geoff Rasmussen
Millennia Corporation

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of CNurc
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Charting Pre-Release Edition Now Available
For Free Download

I'm sure there will be some more considered reviews along from the "old
hands" on this list, but after having a play with this program I think a big
well done is deserved for the developers.

What I particularly like:
        The Office 2007 style. I'm sure there will be those that dislike it
because it's a bit of a change, but having been using Office 2007 for
several months I was very happy to see this style being used, it is, IMHO,
much more intuitive than the 'standard' windows menus lists.
        The drag and drop options. It looks like this is very straight
forward to use, especially with the generational and familial group options.
I like how it auto-draws the drop lines, rather than some other programs
where you have to specifically tell them to pick them up, or have to
reposition them by hand.

        The selection of charts. I love the father and mother charts. I
didn't see an "all people in db" chart, but I'm not sure what I'd do with it
anyway. Looks like a pretty good selection to me.

Unexpected behaviour/Niggles
        The background pictures don't tile as I would expect. When I have a
slim chart up (for instance the father ancestor chart) the background I
chose tiled vertically, but only the centre portion of the picture was
visible. I would have expected the whole picture to be used and then it
would be tiled vertically and horizontally as appropriate
        When starting the program new and with a new chart all the previous
settings are kept, including the background picture. I would have expected
them to reset. 

        Leading on from that, the possibility to set templates would be
really nice - set up different colours + background + info per family, or
per chart. 

        Items to display box: a select all/deselect all check box would be
nice to quickly change the viewed information settings.

        Using the scroll wheel always zooms into the top left corner. I was
hoping there might be a scroll into the selected person on the chart, or
based on the mouse position. 

OK, perhaps I'm being greedy, because niggles apart there is a lot that I
like about this software. Thanks Geoff for the chance to get the charting
module ahead of schedule. I'm looking forward to hearing what the other list
members' first impressions are!


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