I've searched the Help section, and can see where GEDCOMM file compilation
is covered, but my need has to do with including people from 3 Legacy files
into a single major file.

I have my family details in one file, and now want to add components of my
wife's family(families) to my database.

I understand Split Screen, and have opened 2 files side-by-side and have
familiarised myself with the mechanics.

Here's what I'd like to do:

Access my wife's mother's side of the her family, and copy that information
to my wife's entry in my DB.

Can I Import (copy?) the whole branch in one action? She has family back to
1645 on her mother's side, and that's a lot of individual copying. Better if
I could bring them in en masse.

I assume I could then save the composite file with another name, and make
that the file I'll work on from then on.

I've got backups galore, so can afford to try all options. Any help/advice
gladly received. And TIA to anyone who posts.


Barrie Smart

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