I just now received this email in my inbox at 12.10PM CST on Wed May 7th.
Even though it was mailed 16 hours ago.  There must be a huge backlog being
sent from the mail server.  Most all messages received this AM show being
sent 8 hours or more ago.


On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 7:50 PM, Jim Terry/Support <

> Don,
> 1. We haven't been silent. I sent out two e-mails about the problem -
> one message at 9:08 am Pacific Time, and one at 1:41 pm Pacific Time.
> You apparently did not read them.
> 2. The original repeating messages were actually a problem created by a
> Legacy subscriber and not an actual malfunction in the list server.
> 3. As a matter of fact, I count some 65 message sent to the group by
> Legacy subscribers about the problem. That is more comments and messages
> griping about the problem than were actually sent out by the list
> server's "hiccup."
> Thank you for choosing Legacy,
> Jim Terry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> Legacy Charting
> http://LegacyFamilyTree.com <http://legacyfamilytree.com/>
> We are changing the world of genealogy!

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