Hi, Carol,

I've been going back and forth the past few days about whether or not this list is really worth it. There has been a lot of bandwidth wasted with whining and complaining and it's only going to get worse, I think. Especially if every Legacy 7 question gets two good answers out of ten.

Wondering today if this group has more kids or grown-ups in it, I came to the conclusion that the adults probably do outnumber the juveniles. They just don't have as much to say, unless it's relevant. Which this post isn't. So now I have to go sit at the kid's table for a week, I think. 8^)

All this moaning and groaning prior to the full release of Legacy 7 is totally amazing. I can't imagine what my incoming e-mail will look like when everyone has received and installed the new version and begin to wish that the programmers had ironed out more of the inevitable bugs before releasing the new software. I joined this group to learn more about Legacy software... to understand the ins-and-outs of the program. It's beginning to sound like an Ann Landers "I'm a victim...." column. Is it possible that the Members of this group can sit back and take a deep breath? Instead of griping about something that cannot/should not be changed, spend your time expanding and correcting your existing database. I've moderated umpteen online groups and this one is amazing. Carol

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